Is it mandatory to be finger printed at the point of entry?


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Is this mandatory for every person to give finger print and photographed at the point of enty for B1 visitors. My mom came through Philadelphia airport and they didn't take her finger print or photograph. Is this a mistake by INS officer on the airport or it is not necessary for everybody? Do I need to contact INS office and give her fingerprint? As a note she has visited twice (Before 2001) before and never need any fingerprint.
Any response would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
It is a part of US VISIT program!

Yes, it is mandatory for all nonimmigrants ages 14 to 79 to be fingerprinted upon application for admission into the US or its territories!

Also, just in case you do not know, there is no more INS since March 2003. What you see and deal with at any US Port of Entry are CBP officers.
Suggest reading up on US VISIT

Hi MrMr,

I suggest you read up a little on US VISIT...Some info might be found on Homeland Security's might be able to get info on whether US VISIT has been established at Philadelphia.

Just search on Google and it may give you some pointers.

Good luck. And post your experience/info so that the next person is benefiited.

Yes, it is mandatory for all visitors to be USVISIT'ed. There have been times when new CBP Officer forget to do the USVISIT. Don't worry you are not held liable for this error.