Is fsa448 still here?


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Hi, fsa448,

Congratulations again on your approval.

You mentioned in your post that you had contact a Senator and a Congressman regarding your case. Could you kindly share some details of it? Such as how to contact them and how can they help? Since I've been waiting for more than 5 months after I replied the RFE, I think I have to do someting besides waiting. I'd really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.


Contacting Senators/Congressmen is not at all difficult in this country. First step is to obviously find out who your Senators and Congressman are. If you are not sure how you can find this out, let me know and I can point you to some web sites.

Once you know the Senator/Congressman's name, you can find out their office address/phone number from the web site of the US Senate and the House of Representatives. Then call up the office (preferably the office closest to where you live) and ask for the aide who handles immigration affairs. Then explain your case to that person and why you are requesting help. In your case, I think you have a legitimate complaint.

What happens next depends somewhat on the policies of the person whom you contacted. Some will request you to submit something in writing (so that they can make inquiries on your behalf without violating any privacy laws).

In my case, this did not help too much. Both offices that I contacted called INS and got back to me the next day. Their answers were the same - case is assigned to an adjudicator and I should wait for 6 weeks. I pointed out that my case was filed in July and VSC was claiming to process September 15 cases. In response to this they said that they sympathized with me but the case was still within the "normal" processing timeframe which currently is 12-18 months for I485 cases.

If you need any more information, let me know. Good luck!
Hi fsa448

Congratulations on your apporval.

Could you please tell us how long after you contacted the seantor did you get the approval? I am asking this because, I have been waiting for six months after my RFE response. When I wanted to contact the Senator, My lawyer suggested another option - which is contacting AILA. It has been 3 weeks since we did that and I have not heard any updates yet. I want to know if contacting senator is faster.

I think it was around 3 weeks after I contacted both a Senator and a Congressman that I got my approval. However, I don't think either of them did anything to expedite the process. Other than doing an inquiry and advising me to wait for another 6 weeks, I don't think they made things move any faster. I believe I would have gotten the approval in 3 weeks regardless.

In your cases though, clearly something is wrong and I would strongly advise that you contact your local Senator or Congressman. These people do have easier access to INS officials and maybe they can move things along in problematic cases. In my case they felt that the application had not been waiting very long i.e. not long enough for them to consider it a problem (though I consider 2.5 months from RFE response to be fairly problematic, their view is different I guess)

Even if they don't help, what have you got to lose? Your only other option is to sit around and do nothing.
You are right. But, as I had mentioned eariler, My lawyer did contact AILA instead of the senator and VSC people told that I should hear something in 4 weeks. It has only been 21/2 weeks now. My next step would be to contact the senator if I don't hear anything.



Thank you very much for your information.

I went throught some web sites and found the numbers of the Senator and Congressman's offices. Called them and faxed our writing note to them. Hope I can hear something from them soon.

But, I don't think INS will give them a good answer. Like you was told, my case doesn't excess 12-18 months timeframe (it will reach 18 months by December). So they can claim that it's still within nomal processing timeframe. I may probably end up waiting for another two months.

I'll keep you posted.


I'm sorry to see you're still here. We are out of luck ones. When did you file your I-485? Does it excess 18 months? This stupid thing sometimes make me stupid enough to be depressed. INS really sucks. Hope your case get approved pretty soon. Good luck.

BTW, what is AILA?
Thank you very much for the encouraging note. I applied for my I-485 on 06/25/2001. Closer to your RD. 18 months will be over for me in December. We both are unlucky with this GC. Anyway, I cannot do much now I guess. I am planning to travel out of country next month. I will be back in December. It will be the right time to call INS again. If I get any updates before that I will certainly post it here.

Wish you good luck. I think yours will now get processed fast.



Travel is a good idea to have a pure mind and forget all about this. When you come back, your case will be approved. I thought about that too, but not that lucky, can't leave here right now.

Forget the GC for a while, and have a nice trip!


Thank you very much.