Is employment mandatory?


Registered Users (C)
This may have been answered before, but I just got concerned after reading a thread on this board. I got a response from 'warlord' which I am thankful, but I just want to make sure if we need to consult an attorney?

Here is my case.
I got my GC through my husband, who came here as F1 (MS Civil Engg) and then H1 (Civil Engg). But then he switched to Software Engg and got his GC through his employer. He stayed with the company for two months after he got his GC. However the time from I-485 till he got his GC was 2.1 yrs. After that we had to move to another city and at that time he got into Civil Engg job and worked for 3 yrs. Again we had to move because of my job and he had to quit his job. Now he is homemaker.

We just applied to Citizenship and got notices for FP and since I got my GC through my husband and he no longer works:

1. Does it create problem in our process?
2. Technically after GC, he worked just 2 months with the sponsoring company. Is this OK?
3. After he got his GC (Software) he went back to Civil Engg and worked for three yrs -- job description is different from sponsor -- any issues?
3. Would advise us to consult a attorney or withdraw? or any suggestions.

1. I assume question 1 is if not having a job would cause a problem. NO, it won't cause a problem (this is my opinion based on what I know so far).

2. Probably not, but you don't mention when did he get his GC. Depending on the date he could have the added coverage of AC-21, although as he worked for the employer until after the GC, the AC-21 is not really needed, but just extra thing in your husband's favor that after 6 months of I-485 it was fair to change jobs, and he still worked for that company for another year and a half. I don't see any issues here.

3. No, it shouldn't be an issue, after you have your GC you can choose to work on your profession or a new profession.

4. I don't see any reason to withdraw or talk to a lawyer, you should be fine.

Please, do come back when you naturalize and give us the good news so we can have closure in your case.

My 2 cents.
I had also participated in the discussion you referenced I can tell you that your husband’s (and yours) case is totally different than the original post. I have been tracking various discussions on this forum for about four months (active since three months) and it is my opinion that you both have a very strong case and you should not worry at all. Till date I have only seen approvals for the cases similar or even when the odds appeared so against the applicants (Huracan also knows about one recent one) and 100% of them have been approved without any issue from various DOs. There have been 0 denials so far (generally people do come here when they do need help or second opinion). Also like Hurcan said, please do keep us updated with your progress so everyone in this forum could benefit.
Huracan and Koolvik7
Thanks for your inputs. I appreciate your advise. I will definetly update the board with the progress.
Thanks again.
Yeah I don't think you should have any issue at all, it seems fairly straight forward and legit in your case. I don't think there's a hardened rule that one has to stay with a company for a specific amount of time after getting the CG. I think a company can open a fraud case if they choose if someone leaves too early after getting one (like say the next day), but they don't have to do that. Since you didn't get any action against your husband, I just can't see why this would be an issue.

Oh and many, many people get their USC without having a job. There is no job requirement or money that needs to be made in order to become a citizen (unlike when a USC marries a non-USC at the very start of the immigration process).

Definatly let us know the outcome and if they bring anything up during the interview at all on it...
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