Is desertion a deportable offense?

Immigration laws do not say about conviction under law of any particular state, say, california, either. The questions on the immigration form ask
for "violation of any law or ordinance", which apparently include military
Beside CIMT and durg offense, other offense can be deportable
too. They have that one year rule--if sentence is more than 1
year, it is deportable. The SGT Mejia can be sentenced up
to one year so he may be fine. But if he or later some other
non-citizen soldiers is sentenced to more than 1 year,
then the deportation issue can be raised by the INS.
Concientious objector status need to be recognized
by the government. Otherwise all deserters who
desert simply because they are cowards can
claim CO status.

There is no clear defnition of crime of moral turpitude
and defintiion depends upon jurisditcion. I won't
be surpsised if the militart define desertion as
moral turpitude crime for apparent reasons.
Of course, there could be many reasons
behind desertion but there is no reason to
justify any of them legally. Otherwise
the military will collapse because everyone
has a good reason to stay from from
fighting. Every mothers son want to
say home safe but the nature of military
requires that soldier got to go to war if
needed. It does n's matter you
have a sick mother or sick kids
at home. Political excuse is more
absurd because everyone can come
up with one.
Volunteers army means you volunteer to join
the military but once you join in, you can not
run away from a specific war. After you
voluntarily join, it is mandatory that you
obey orders.