Is courtesy copy ok for Arlington, VA INS?

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Yes, Courtsey Copy is very much OK. Infact I went there with both copies, original (got from my lawyer) and my courtsey copy. But the lady who is checking all documents asked me MY COPY ONLY, first I turned in original copy she said I WANT YOR COPY ... This is your lawyer\'s copy then I gave courtsey copy which I received.

So have fun at INS, VA its good experience except those INS Officer are taking you for the long ride of the time. But ... no harm in waiting for few hours when we waited few years right !!!

But they have taken my toll and temper. I was 9th in the row. I went thereat 5:30am got inside by 7:45am and it takes 5 minutes to stamp / complete process and I waited till 1:45pm.