Is anyone from Calcutta or Jadavpur University??


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Is there anyone from Calcutta or Jadavpur University??

Hi, I am looking for someone who is willing to help me to collect my transcripts from Jadavpur University, Calcutta... since i have no relatives or friends there to collect and send to me. I need these documets to submit for FPGEE (now i am in USA). I will reimburse all the costs spent. I have send many emails to the University but they are not responding.
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Anyone from Kolkata

Dear Sir,
I am Mr K Parhi, working as Sys Ant. at Hindustan Paper Corn. Ltd. and staying in Kolkata at Salt Lake nearer to Jadavpur University Second Camp.
What type of help do you want? I hope I can help you!
" Service is the rent we pay for living"
Waiting for your reply.
Thanks with warm regards
K Parhi
Ph. 033-21232527(R)