Is Address Change such a big issue


Registered Users (C)

I just moved from NJ to NY and accrodingly informed INS about address change, but it seems from some messages, an address change triggers an RFE. I fail to understand why is this such a big issue as we may have to move during these prolonged 485 processing periods.

I'm afraid was it unncessary and suicidal.

Any comments appreciated
You've the right thing

Well, remember the old say "don't trouble the trouble until the trouble troubles you".

If you are sure you can get all your correspondence received at the new address, say you use a lawyer and your lawyer knows your new address, you may not have to inform INS the cahnge of your address. However, if for any reason, INS need to contact your through mail (in my case, I receive all correspondences from INS), you may wish to have a correct address on INS's record.

Technically, you have done the right thing to inform INS the change, although in some isolated cases people's new address may get mixed up with the old (INS's fault).
You may be prosecuted

I am not kidding. Not Informing INS about your address change is an offence. Dont take INS for granted. If some officer wants to enforce the law strctly you are gone ! Read another thread in this forum where someone mentioned about deportation proceedings in Atlanta.
Many H1s were abusing the law till there was a raid on San Antonio Airforce base where those people were handcuffed and paraded. It was a minor offence. But if your time is not good you may be in serious trouble.
For your info my spouse and myself got RFE to show proof of our residence. FOr my friend INS asked to show proof for all residence after he applied for i-485.