Is AC21 is required??


Registered Users (C)
We got our GCs stamped in Dec 2002. But still we are waiting for plastic cards.
Recently my employer terminated me. Will it affect on GC?
What is needed to do to maintain permanent residentship?

Looking forward to your suggestions.

I am not an attorney but based on readings, u should be good.. The only hitch could be when (if) u go for Naturalization - they may consider ur leaving the firm as "fraudulent" GC as u did not spend the advised 6 months with the sponsor after GC..

Make sure your severance letter clearly states that the u were "laid off" and did not leave at ur will.. Then, u can state that ur "intent" did not change for working at the GC sponsor forever but u were laid off.. As GC is based on intent, u should be fine..

just my 2 cents..
