Interviewed at Newark & waiting for FBI/CIA?


Registered Users (C)
My case was transferred from VSC to Newark office in June '03.
I had an interview at Newark office in July '03. The officer asked for 2nd fingerprint and new medical.
I submitted both of them. Later, I called FBI and heard that they sent the result to VSC a few days after FP.

Now it looks like the CIA background check is holding up my case. It's been 4 months since my interview. My attorney contacted Newark, but was told to allow them 6 months before contacting again.

Is anyone in the similar situation after the interview? My attorney says there are many people waiting for approval after the interview at Newark, mostly due to 2nd fingerprinting.
Please share any information if you're in the same situation.
4-14-03 Interview and still pending CIA/FBI today 11/16/03

On 9/15/03, five months after our interview, I visited the Newark CIS office and was told to check status after 6 months of interview. I went to that office again on 11/4/03 and were told that our cases were pending FBI name checks, but our interview receipt says pending CIA check.