Interview today


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I just got back from my interview in Hartford this morning. Overall it went smoothly. The security line to get in was long (they only open doors at 7:30 and we were there by 7:40) but we made it on time and had to wait only 10-15 minutes before they called us. The officer asked us to take the oath then asked for our drivers licenses and passports. He removed by I-94 and then wanted to see my EAD and AP document. I gave him the originals and copies. He kept the one I used and returned the unused AP. He then wanted my original I-20 (from 10 years ago now) and my second I-20. He kept both of those. He then asked for the original INS approval notices for my past H1B visas and also my change of status from H1B to F1. I didn’t have these originals with me but the copies were in my packet. He said I should have brought them but moved on.

He then asked us the questions from form I-485. He then moved on to ask us for my husband’s employer letter and one last paycheck. He was recognized the name of the company where my husband works (it is a local business that they contract with) and they chatted about that for a bit. Then he asked us if we had documents that showed joint proof of address. I gave him copies of our leases, bank statements, dental and vision insurance, life insurance beneficiary, safe deposit box etc. He asked if our health insurance letters and W2s came to the same address. He also asked if we had cars registered at the same address. We told him we only had one car in my husband’s name registered at his parent’s address. He said it was okay for now but we should probably change that because it might show a red flag when they look back at my case to remove conditions. He didn’t ask for our photos or taxes. I wish I had given him the photos anyway because I had them copied for this occasion only :)

Then he said we were all clear on the background check and the fingerprint check. The only think pending was the FBI name check :mad: . He said that in the file it looked like it had not been updated since June so he thinks it is probably already done and just hasn’t been updated. He said that in all probability I should get the conditional card in 5-6 weeks and if I don’t hear by May I should contact them to see what happened. I would have liked to have closure on this but I suppose it is not too bad for now. I can still travel on my AP and work on my EAD and if all goes well I shouldn’t have to renew them at all.

I hope this is helpful for others who have interviews coming up. I know it was very helpful for me to read others posts on this matter in the last few weeks and thanks to all for that.

For those gurus who have already passed this phase, a couple of questions:
1) The officer took my old and new I-20 – the originals. Is that okay? I doubt I will ever need them again but I am just wondering.
2) I am not sure what the officer meant by saying they haven’t updated my file since June and that is why the FBI name check might not be updated. It seems strange because I had my fingerprints in July. Wouldn’t that be an update on my files?
he really said you still can use your AP after interview?
i remember some1 said that you can't use your AP after your get approved?
that's great! hopefully the fbi name check won't take long. I think what he meant is that even if your name has been cleared with the FBI it might not be in the system yet...since as everything with this process, it takes forever. That sounds like a good thing though. The Hartford DO just scares me a little, it seems to just take so long with everything...but again, you never know.
I had an interview in Hartford a week ago, same thing- FBI name check pending. But I know for sure you can travel with AP untill you get your GC. The only reason they take AP from you during the interview is that if you get approved you don't need it anymore, you get your passport stamped and wait for the card. But the officer cannot approve your I-485 without FBI name check. So the give you AP and EAD back after the interview. In our case actual GC can take long, you can get a new AP and EAD if needed.
Hartford DO

payala said:
that's great! hopefully the fbi name check won't take long. I think what he meant is that even if your name has been cleared with the FBI it might not be in the system yet...since as everything with this process, it takes forever. That sounds like a good thing though. The Hartford DO just scares me a little, it seems to just take so long with everything...but again, you never know.

I overheard a security guard saying how the Hartford DO recently speeded things up a lot (in the last two months which is why the secuirty lines are so long) so maybe its reputation for being slow will change soon :)
Great news!

I just checked the status of my application online and it looks like the 485 was approved yesterday! I should get my green card in a few days. So it looks like the officer was right - they just needed to check the system for an update! Yay!