Interview Today LPR GC Approved


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our interview Appt. was scheduled at 9:35 today in Los Angeles DO,
We arrived about 9:10 am We weren't called until 10:35 long wait :(

As we were arriving for our appt. we were walking down the hall looking for the room number, a gentleman notice were were unfamiliar with where we were and he showed us the way, little did we know that same gentleman would be the same Adjucating Officer that would conduct our interview :)

After waiting over an hour past our interview time, the AO that had showed us the way down the hall opened the door called my wifes name, and when he recognized us he smiled and jokingly said "have I seen you before, don't worry I will be nice "

We had our 18 month old daughter with us he immediatly told us sit down relax and started to talk about his grandchildren,

The time we were in his office our daughter started getting restless and moving around we were worried and kept trying to keep her still, he told us "relax let her run around she can't harm anything" He was very friendly warm and non intimidating, his office was full of a lot of nick nacks and gifts he had recieved, it was a warm atmosphere.
The only thing he asked to see other than our passports was our daughters Birth certificate which I had on hand, I even had a copy of it so he looked at the original and then took the copy I had, He also asked that we Fax him verification of my wifes current pregnancy although she is showing and is 25 weeks along,

Our so called " interview" was brief and minimal, we casually talked and He mentioned how he we had been married just short of two years then told us he will approve our case but will do us a favor and hold it for 2 weeks until our 2 year marriage anniversary and then approve us for LPR GC so we won't have to come back in 2 years :) :D

So we should recieved an approval notice mid- late Oct.
I referenced the dreaded FBI name check & he told us our was cleared over 1 month ago, and we are approved so long as we stay married to our 2 year anniversary.

The interview lasted about 20 minutes he showed us out and he picked up our daugter and held her helping us carrying her out as we were leaving.

Overall an excellent experience if not for the long wait prior to the interview.

Our AO's name is J. C. Holland he is a senior guy and has been in his office for over 10 years, Anyone who goes to Los Angeles DO I hope you get the same AO as we did.

Ako, Airilei & I want to thank everyone who offeed support and advice to us in this forum.

We know this can be a tough anxious journey, my advice is stick with it relax, and don't let it overwhelm you so much that you fail to relise that all the stress, $$, & work involved in minmal next to nothing compared to being with the ones you love and supporting your spouse, Give your spouse a Hug look into their eyes and tell them you love them, take a deep breath and don't forget to sit down hold them close and cherish the moments you spend traveling along this journey to a beautiful fulfilling life together.

Addie, Ako, & Airilei
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double congratulations addie! you've been a great help to a lot of people in the forum, including me. congrats again and thank you.
princesskate said:
Congratulations to 4A's :)

You're so lucky to have met a nice officer that you don't have to bother about I-751!

Yeah we were a bit worried we thought it would take longer than it did to get intevriew, if we would have known the process was so quick we would have wiated until July to file, but as it works out the AO was very cooperative and did us a huge favor.