interview scheduled and going to laidoff


Registered Users (C)
Interview is scheduled a week before laid off date. Company is willing to give employement letter. But after 3 days of giving employement letter, company is going to give termination letter as the ploicy is to give termination letter 2 weeks prior to date of termination. So effectively termaination letter will be dated after the employemente letter date but before the interview date.

Is that going to be a problem to get an approval ?
Will there be a problem to calim unemployement insurance ?
You are lucky

Everything's falling in place for you. Don't worry. Make sure that the employment letter has everything that BCIS would like to see. Attend the interview with confidence - and do not utter a single word about layoff/possibility of layoff during the interview.

All the best!

p.s. Don't think of claiming unemployment so soon. Start looking for a job. That's just my opinion.
BCIS don't know about your employment, unless you tell them (show them the employment letter), likewise they will not know about your termination, unless you tell them. So, common sense is you don't tell them about your termination, if you want your I-485 to be approved.

Unemployment benifit is handled by SSA, not BCIS. So, there won't be any problem for you in claiming it.

Hope you find another job soon.

What about termination letter dt?

Thanks guys for your replies.

What about termination letter being dated before interview date ?

Will that be problem any where down the road ?

What if BCIS don't stamp passport on date of interview and ask us to wait to get approval letter in mail ?
Hi mailz ,
Since you are a junior member here, you seem to be having unnecessary fears. I have never seen a case where BCIS enquired a company if a person is employed with it or not. So forget about your termination date. What BCIS wants is a Employment letter and as long as you present one, you are done.
Even if there is a delay in stamping the Passport, they are not going to ask for fresh documents again. Generally the stamping delays are due to security clearance issues. Finally, don't think about un employment benefits without even getting GC. Think about getting a job. Goto the BCIS interview coolly .
Wish you good luck.