interview or not?


Registered Users (C)
Hey I am one of those hopeless people in NYC :))
about my pending I-485.
application at NYC local office. I married to my US
citizen wife on July 2002 and submitted my
application arround August 2002. Despite I am in
very good mood with my wife, her family tries to make
her take advantage of me. I d like to ask if its
possible to have an I-485 approved without being
present in interview (at least my wife).
If so what is the chance? We
have 2 joint bank accounts, credit cards, utility
bills on our names and joint tax return for 2002. (and
will have for 2003) We haven't received any NTA s yet
but according to the processing time calendar we must
receive in very near feature.
If you could give me an idea about this, I would be