interview matter(BUFFALO CONSULATE)


New Member
Case filed : Sep 15, 2000
Receiptt : Oct 31,2000
Notice that interview is reqd and date will be given in 7-10 months from here on: Feb 03,2001

     I recently got my initial assessment that an interview is required. It also said that an interview will be scheduled in 7
     -10 months from here on. I was under the impression that Buffalo consulate is the fastest. Then why so long. Could
     someone tell me if these 7-10 months are just approximates or could I get an interview call earlier? Please share
     similar experiences as well. Thanks for your replies.
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Hey to me it seems that we both have applied in the same time frame, Could you tell me if u have recived medical papers or not...thanks
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Hi. yes I have recd my medical papers. But I cant understand why its taking so long for buffalo to conduct an interview. What is your timeline. Let me know.
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My receipt Date is Aug 23th 2000, still waiting, interview location is Newyork.