Interview for AOS this Tuesday...any advice?


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Hey all;
Thank you for all what we try to do here in this portal - to help each other our with our experiences and knowledge. We have certainly benefeted from each of us. Thank you.
I have my AOS interview this tuesday morning and it seems like we have every thing prepared and we are confident we will have great time and that all will be good.
Although, any last minute advice from any of you? I will be having my interview in Tampa DO.
If you have any thing to share, I will appreciate it very much. We are very excited about it. July 5th is also our, to be exact, second year of wedding anniversary. What a start? By the way, LMR granted, will be given a Conditional or Unconditional for 10 yrs.? I think, we qualify for unconditional LPR? What do you think? Have you heard anything like that before...either in this forum or else where?
Again, thank you for reading and your responses. We are looking forward for the great event and we will be definitely be back to share our experience. We are waiting to hear from you all who read this thread.
Thank you and best of luck to your marriage (far most important) and venture towards obtaining the LPR.

See you all later:

Hi All...

We are all ready and set to go for my Big day. Wish us all the best and communicate with you later.