Interview Date Changes


Registered Users (C)

A question purely out of curiosity:

Will the US consulates permit interview date changes under say "extraordinary" circumstances - say a family member is is taken ill and hospitalized or public transport is not available due to strike/unrest in the city or for any extrordinary reason you could not make it for the interview. Has anyone in this forum come across these extreme circumstances and had their interview dates changed successfully?? If yes, is there a process for date changes with the consulate ?
I do understand by all means we want to be there on time to complete the immigration formalities.

Thanks in advance for your reply/comments.
Originally posted by v_dharini

A question purely out of curiosity:

Will the US consulates permit interview date changes under say "extraordinary" circumstances - say a family member is is taken ill and hospitalized or public transport is not available due to strike/unrest in the city or for any extrordinary reason you could not make it for the interview. Has anyone in this forum come across these extreme circumstances and had their interview dates changed successfully?? If yes, is there a process for date changes with the consulate ?
I do understand by all means we want to be there on time to complete the immigration formalities.

Thanks in advance for your reply/comments.

Extraordinary circumstances are life/death issues. Others are not extraordinary circumastances as told to me by a consular officer. Though there is no set of rules publicly available to certify any circumstances as extraordinary. All is on the discretion of the consular officer.

An individual can always postpone an interview date.
