Interview at Wash. DC office


Registered Users (C)
Interview at Local Office


Hello everyone,
With the help of Congressman we got interview letters from Washington D.C. office but my wife is scheduled at 2:00 PM on June 6, 2006 while myself(principal applicant) and our daughter(23 yrs.) and son (13 yrs.) are scheduled for June 7, 2006 with another District Adjudication Officer. Interview time for our daughter is scheduled at 9:45 AM, my son at 10:15 AM and myself at 10:45 AM all on June 7, 2006. We wrote letters to both District Adjudication Officers requesting to club all of us together for interview on one day and time as per their convenience as we all were granted Asylum together by IJ in Feb. 2001 and applied our I-485 on same day in May 2002. Please guide us whether letters written to 2 District Adjudication Officers would help (which I don't think so) or we should contact Congressman again for his intervention to club us together for interview. Any suggestion from your end to solve this problem is highly appreciated.
Asylum Approved: Feb. 2001
NSC Notice Date: May 2002
Case TSC: Sept. 2005
BIO 3/Medical done: Oct. 2005
Trsfd. to Washington DC office: Dec.21, 2005
Latest LUD: Jan.3, 2006