interview and still waiting


New Member
I got married to a USC in 2001 and divorced and remarried in April 2002 and filed new paperwork with a letter asking the old file be replaced with the new one. In September of 2003 I received an interview letter addressed to myself and my current husband.
At the interview everything seemed to have been going okay as far as we were concern he asked to see my passport, which I showed me asked about my F1 visa which I explained. He then said he had not seen a copy of my birth certificate on file and I had the original and a copy for the file. He then asked us how we had met asked my husband when he had moved in with me and where both of us worked. He then took finger prints of my index finger on a white long form he then took my 1-94 off my passport and stapled it on to my paperwork which he kept.
What came as a suprise was what he said next he said the interview had been scheduled using the old file (ex husband) and I had not closed my old file he went on to say we would have to send in a letter requesting the file be closed. Me and my husband both advised we put out such a letter requesting the prior file be closed we even explained we had a copy of the letter he said yes he had a copy of our letter and it had not been worded right it should have said we needed the 1-30 and 1-485 closed not the entire prior file we seemed to not make sense. He said when we get the letter in they would reschedule the interview. When we were leaving he said "once I get the letter you should be all set". He got little ticked off when my Husband asked him if he had a Sample of the letter that he wanted us to submit since whatever we had submitted earlier was not acceptable.
Since October of 2003 we have not heard from the office and I have been there Several times and all the officer at the counter tells me is to hang in there and I should hear something. I have since applied and was granted advised parole for Business travel and received another 1-94 stating “Paroled until Feb 2006”.
if the interview was scheduled under the old file why did I receive an interview letter the My husband’s name?
If the Interview was not meant to be with my current husband why did he question him and I about where we met and take my 1-94 Why did he fingerprint me?. Please help me understand how he would reschedule the interview or do you think he might just have been trying to make it harder for us. Will be married two Years this April and hope he was just buying time.
FYI. we did take back the letter he needed worded the way he asked on the same day back to the location and gave it to someone at the counter who said he would attached to my file and also mailed one to hinm by Certified mail and he got it . Sorry did not mean to be so long with my story I needed you to understand.
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I’m in a kind of same situation, having two pending I-485, so I found your post very informative.
INS will never replace one case with another (I wish! I would have my GC by now :rolleyes: ), nor they will close your case automatically.
They do requests that you (a petitioner) formally close your prior application, before or after filling another one.
I kept my first I-485 pending for my personal reasons, but I’m planning to close it soon to avoid the potential complications during my adjustment.
You did a smart move sending another letter via certified mail. Now you have a proof they got it. I’m afraid your file is just getting dusty somewhere in the “to do next month” shelf. :eek:
I don’t think they will call you for another interview. It was completed the first time and they already fingerprinted you. They dint’ request anything else, right? Just this letter.
So as soon as they get to it (your file) they will send you an approval letter. I know it is very frustrating to wait that long, but it’s all you left to do. You are theoretically approved, INS just didn’t make it final yet.
You can check the status of you case on-line and sign up for e-mail updates if you haven’t done so, you can send your local DO another certified letter requesting an update on your case….
interview still waiting

Jane Green said:
I’m in a kind of same situation, having two pending I-485, so I found your post very informative.
INS will never replace one case with another (I wish! I would have my GC by now :rolleyes: ), nor they will close your case automatically.
They do requests that you (a petitioner) formally close your prior application, before or after filling another one.
I kept my first I-485 pending for my personal reasons, but I’m planning to close it soon to avoid the potential complications during my adjustment.
You did a smart move sending another letter via certified mail. Now you have a proof they got it. I’m afraid your file is just getting dusty somewhere in the “to do next month” shelf. :eek:
I don’t think they will call you for another interview. It was completed the first time and they already fingerprinted you. They dint’ request anything else, right? Just this letter.
So as soon as they get to it (your file) they will send you an approval letter. I know it is very frustrating to wait that long, but it’s all you left to do. You are theoretically approved, INS just didn’t make it final yet.
You can check the status of you case on-line and sign up for e-mail updates if you haven’t done so, you can send your local DO another certified letter requesting an update on your case….

Thanks for your very prompt response, in answer to your question he did not ask for anything else and the only promblem with looking up my Case status is because I have no Receipt # being that I filed at a Local office or Application Support I have to go to the office which is no big deal there office is only one exit from I am suprised they haven't come to visit us :rolleyes: . I forgot mention in my Last Post that I did Get another letter for F/ printing stating in order to Complete my Application i needed to take the Figure prints again. I also had to apply for my Work permit Renewal since the other is up in June and I got the letter and Got that done yesterday. I Must agree with you I think he has the file somewhere on his desk all I can do is wait it is. Thanks again for your thoughts and the Best of luck in your case as well.
Okay I finally have an interview I had an info pass appt and when i went in they stated they had mailed my interview letter 2 days prior. I reveived my letter and Interview is on June 3rd. I will update all on my experience. Any pointers will be appreciated as I put all my paperwork together.
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