Interveiw mostly approved, need to send W2


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Interveiw experience Tampa, FL

Hello, Everybody!
Thank you to all of you who was thinking about me.
So we had our interview today in Tampa, FL at 10.30am.
We got there at about 10am. They make us wait outside for about 10 minutes. They let people in one a time. And it was cold outside. We was joking with my husband if we are in the wrong state, if maybe we are still in Washington, DC (we were on the trip to Washington this weekend and came back only yesterday. It was very cold there on the last day).
We got in. We was waiting in side for about 10-15 minutes. There were a few other couple waiting in lobby. They all had also am album and a big folders of documents. I joked that comparing to them we are not ready. One of those couple was called separately. This is than I got a little bite scared. But than a gentleman about 50 years old called us in, together. We went in to his office. He sworn us. We sit down. He asked for our ID. Then He asked us if the adress we filed our formes is the same? Yes.
Then we talked about my name. Than We filed forms I took my husbands last name and put my maiden name as middle. IO told me that I have to put my real Middle name instead of Maiden name. I explained him That it is very hard to pronounce it. He smiled and said Yes. So he had to redo it in the system.
Next he asked me my husband's birth date, where he was born, what his parents names. My husband has IVat the end. IO mentioned "O, yes your father is third. Is there is the fith?" he joked. We answered "Not yet" :) He said "But you are trying" :D. Than he asked the same questions my husband. It wasn't easy for my husband to say my mom's name. He tried to spell it. :D
My husband mentioned that IO likes the same team in football, so they talked about it a little bite.
IO asked who workes in our family. We said that my Husband. He asked him where he works? He asked if we have the latest employment letter. We gave him it. I asked him if he needs paystub, he took copy of it, But he didn't need a new I-864. We got one problem here. My husband changed his job in september. And we didn't have any papers from his old job. So IO said that we will need to send him a copy of his W2 or a last paystub from his old job. So that he can figured the total income for 2006.
He asked us for joint papers. we gave him lease. (We had problems to add my husband to lease, because he had some problems on his criminal records. He wasn't guilty in any of them. But first time leasing office didn't even want to talk about adding after seeing his records. Then we didn't have time to get papers from court, We got them only in December, so we add him to the lease only on 01/12/07) We explained this to him. He was fine with it. Just asked if he can have the copy of the papers from court. we gave him originals.
We also gave him papers showing that we own car together(He said "Very good"), insurance on both names, bank staements, a couple of bills together. I also had some papers with only my husband's name but he said he needs only with both names.
After this he asked questions from form about if I am a member of organizations, did I get any assistance from goverment and etc.
Than he saw that I actually have a son. " I see you actually have a child. Is it both of you? " I: "No it is mine" "Does he live with you?" Me: "Yes. And his father has him a few days a week." And later he asked if he was born in US. which he is. No more questions about it.
He confirmed the date I entered to US and the visa marked on the forms. Verified my signiture on forms.
He said that he doesn't have reason not to approve our case. As soon as we will sent him needed papers he will send me approval letter. And I should get card in one month. He said that I could come and have my pasport stamped with approval letter. But my passport expired so they can't do it. And since card will come soon I don't really need stamp.
And we worked out together and my husband and him talked a little bite about football again.
So the interview was very relaxed and easy. It all took maybe 20 minutes. We were at home at 11.15.

I tried to tell as much as I can about our interview.
please, ask me any questions. I could forget something.

I shoul tell I feel much better after interview. And I will feel even better after receiving an approval letter and card.

I wish luck to everybody who's interview is coming in the future. Just get prepared, organized and don't be scared.

;) :) :) :) :cool:
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Did you get any kind of documentation proving the DAO chose to withhold adjudication?
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velli said:
congrats polich....only 13 days left for my big day...
Just don't get neveours.
Get prepared and organized.
My husband gave me a lot of support during interview. And it does make a big difference.
my wife is funny in this aspect. we have been together for over 5 yrs now (though recently married) and to her this is all just a bunch of bs. don't get me wrong she is excited for me but she is so traditional that she thinks is is bizarre how the government has an interview just for you to prove your marriage even though they have no clue who you are and are trying to make a decision based on paper.

She gets quiet annoyed at times.

thanks for your wishes
polich said:
What do you mean?

I was just wondering if you got any kind of documentation proving the DAO promised to withhold adjudication (approval/denial) until you get the additional evidence to him.
Did he give you specific instructions on how to submit the evidence? It can be very difficult to reach a DAO directly.
Out of curiosity, what is the online status of the I-130/485?
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Heretic said:
I was just wondering if you got any kind of documentation proving the DAO promised to withhold adjudication (approval/denial) until you get the additional evidence to him.
Did he give you specific instructions on how to submit the evidence? It can be very difficult to reach a DAO directly.
Out of curiosity, what is the online status of the I-130/485?

No, there is no any documentation from IO for this. maybe because of that I don't celebrate yet or comletely happy. I know some people have to wait months after they sent additional documents. We will see how it will go in my case.
i asked IO if I can bring documents in person, but he said no, just mail it in. He gave us piece of paper with instructions what to do.
I sent it same day as interview. He supossed to get it today.
Online status didn't change, But they touched my I485 and I130 today.
I will keep you informed what will happen next
velli said:
my wife is funny in this aspect. we have been together for over 5 yrs now (though recently married) and to her this is all just a bunch of bs. don't get me wrong she is excited for me but she is so traditional that she thinks is is bizarre how the government has an interview just for you to prove your marriage even though they have no clue who you are and are trying to make a decision based on paper.

She gets quiet annoyed at times.

thanks for your wishes

I don't think they undestand the whole process tha same as we are.
But as long as she supports you, nothing matter.... ;)