Dear Fellow International Online Dating Webmasters and Friends (Jan 21, 2006)
You may or may or may not of heard of the law called International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005
The law placed unfair demands on international online dating webmasters and invades the privacy of our clients. I have been fighting this law sense I learn of it's existence on Jan 15, 2006.
On Jan 20, 2006, a handful of us International Online Dating Webmasters have created a petition asking for your support in amending this law. We are asking that you sign the petition but also to get your male clients and members to sign also. We ask that you pass the word, that you promote this petition in any way you can (putting the petition link on your site, etc). All of us know other webmasters who are in the same boat or even if they are not, they may want to support our cause .... pass the word for them to sign the petition and to get others to do so. The petition is located at:
I'm a small international dating site with a small membership base. I will be sending an email asking my members to sign. Part of my campaign was also to email some fellow webmasters, like yourself, to ask them to do the same and for your active support to get more signatures. Some sites have a huge male membership base that would be a great benefit to our cause. If all online dating webmasters who receive this email get their clients to sign the petition, we may be able to have our voice heard through strength in numbers. Already the feminist have organized over 18,000 signatures. So we need all the support we can get.
The law's intent is honorable, but behind the intent is specialized women groups to try to put our sites out of business. The lack of common sense and the requirements of the law supports my theory that their goal is to put us out of business versus protecting women immigrants. The women's groups, including N.O.W. are well organized and we have no such Male Organization in the U.S. with such political power.
We need to come together as one to let our voice be heard. Please sign our petition today. Again, here is the link:
Also, we have a forum as a central clearing house of information. We would love your participation and to pass the word. Not only is the forum being used as a place to pass on and get information, it is being used to help the morale of both our fellow international online dating webmasters and anyone who is trying to understand why the senate and house would pass such a biased law.
Here is the link to the forum:
Lets fight for our rights and privacy. Let's fight for our rights as International Dating Sites. We need thousands of signatures -- so please tell your members and friends today about the petition. Promote the petition any way you can...putting links on your site, getting your clients to sign, telling every one you know to tell others to fight this unjust law. For us to stand a chance in this fight, we need to act as one and act now.
Tom Watson
Online Dating Association for Male Rights.
Branded as an IMB by an unjust law.
p.s. I don't want to make this email longer then it has to be. But my first attempt to get your attention failed. I know many of us are busy with our websites and our daily lives, however if we don't make the time to fight now, we may not have a website to maintain and our daily lives could be consumed by court costs and even jail time.
It is imperative you make the time. Even though we may be small in numbers now, we have a huge international online dating community that could come together to fight this unjust law. Even better, we have thousands of members who believe this law is unjust or will believe so if we let them know of the law's existence. Even sites outside of the U.S. that have U.S clients will be effected by refusing the lady immigrant a visa to the U.S stating that the IMB website did not comply (this is an attempt to dry up your market of U.S men as clients).
The passion of the supporters of this law is far superior then our efforts at this stage. Those who think complying with the law is the answer, don't understand that the goal of these supporters are to put us out of business either by making the cost of running our business beyond our means, or with laws that make it impossible for us to comply. The supporters of this law are attempting to dry up our market with scare tactics used against international online dating members without concern for their rights and privacy. That should tell you the length the supporters are willing to go to stop men from having the choice of marrying who they want, including females from another country. This is about feminist's biased opinions and narrowed minded politician's who are more concerned about what is popular verus what is right. Their biased prejudice is about taking away a man's choice of marrying a woman from another country, not about protecting her, but stopping us men from having a choice. If all you read is the law itself and not some of the documentation that supports this law, you are not fully aware of the passion of the supporters of this law who see this as round one and will keep pushing for more legislation until international dating sites are non existent. We need to stop this momentum now and STOP the lies that support their cause.
You may or may or may not of heard of the law called International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005
The law placed unfair demands on international online dating webmasters and invades the privacy of our clients. I have been fighting this law sense I learn of it's existence on Jan 15, 2006.
On Jan 20, 2006, a handful of us International Online Dating Webmasters have created a petition asking for your support in amending this law. We are asking that you sign the petition but also to get your male clients and members to sign also. We ask that you pass the word, that you promote this petition in any way you can (putting the petition link on your site, etc). All of us know other webmasters who are in the same boat or even if they are not, they may want to support our cause .... pass the word for them to sign the petition and to get others to do so. The petition is located at:
I'm a small international dating site with a small membership base. I will be sending an email asking my members to sign. Part of my campaign was also to email some fellow webmasters, like yourself, to ask them to do the same and for your active support to get more signatures. Some sites have a huge male membership base that would be a great benefit to our cause. If all online dating webmasters who receive this email get their clients to sign the petition, we may be able to have our voice heard through strength in numbers. Already the feminist have organized over 18,000 signatures. So we need all the support we can get.
The law's intent is honorable, but behind the intent is specialized women groups to try to put our sites out of business. The lack of common sense and the requirements of the law supports my theory that their goal is to put us out of business versus protecting women immigrants. The women's groups, including N.O.W. are well organized and we have no such Male Organization in the U.S. with such political power.
We need to come together as one to let our voice be heard. Please sign our petition today. Again, here is the link:
Also, we have a forum as a central clearing house of information. We would love your participation and to pass the word. Not only is the forum being used as a place to pass on and get information, it is being used to help the morale of both our fellow international online dating webmasters and anyone who is trying to understand why the senate and house would pass such a biased law.
Here is the link to the forum:
Lets fight for our rights and privacy. Let's fight for our rights as International Dating Sites. We need thousands of signatures -- so please tell your members and friends today about the petition. Promote the petition any way you can...putting links on your site, getting your clients to sign, telling every one you know to tell others to fight this unjust law. For us to stand a chance in this fight, we need to act as one and act now.
Tom Watson
Online Dating Association for Male Rights.
Branded as an IMB by an unjust law.
p.s. I don't want to make this email longer then it has to be. But my first attempt to get your attention failed. I know many of us are busy with our websites and our daily lives, however if we don't make the time to fight now, we may not have a website to maintain and our daily lives could be consumed by court costs and even jail time.
It is imperative you make the time. Even though we may be small in numbers now, we have a huge international online dating community that could come together to fight this unjust law. Even better, we have thousands of members who believe this law is unjust or will believe so if we let them know of the law's existence. Even sites outside of the U.S. that have U.S clients will be effected by refusing the lady immigrant a visa to the U.S stating that the IMB website did not comply (this is an attempt to dry up your market of U.S men as clients).
The passion of the supporters of this law is far superior then our efforts at this stage. Those who think complying with the law is the answer, don't understand that the goal of these supporters are to put us out of business either by making the cost of running our business beyond our means, or with laws that make it impossible for us to comply. The supporters of this law are attempting to dry up our market with scare tactics used against international online dating members without concern for their rights and privacy. That should tell you the length the supporters are willing to go to stop men from having the choice of marrying who they want, including females from another country. This is about feminist's biased opinions and narrowed minded politician's who are more concerned about what is popular verus what is right. Their biased prejudice is about taking away a man's choice of marrying a woman from another country, not about protecting her, but stopping us men from having a choice. If all you read is the law itself and not some of the documentation that supports this law, you are not fully aware of the passion of the supporters of this law who see this as round one and will keep pushing for more legislation until international dating sites are non existent. We need to stop this momentum now and STOP the lies that support their cause.