Interesting Article

I agree interesting but most of the times these type of articles are misunderstood by common people and eventually we (legal prospective immigrants) suffer. So we rather not promote this these type of articles. Just my opinion
Fox News Article

It’s not surprising that an article like this is being published by Fox News "the fair and balanced news station". After all they have made a big name by twisting facts and hyping their audience for their own private ideas.

The respectful writer who went through all the trouble of collecting information about foreign labor in the United States failed (dare you say intentionally) to recognize the following basic fact everyone knows:

The burden of protecting American Labor from the effects of importing Foreign Labor lies in the hands of each state Department of Labor, who by all measures take more than enough time to investigate each and every H1B visa and Green Card Labor Certification.

If the article writer is trying to imply that the State Department of Labor are not up to the task they’ve been assigned, then he should’ve mentioned it. Otherwise it would seam as if was trying to hype his audience for his own hidden agenda which goes in line with the rest of the ""Fair and Balanced"" reputable news station.

Wow! This guy is a bigger asshole than Lou Dobbs.

He claims to be practicing immigration law, yet so blandly glosses over everything, that it makes me wonder what kind of immigation lawyer he is.

I think his real agenda is political - he wants to displace Rep. Cannon in his election bid. I can see no other coherent thought process based on his demagoguery - he does not distinguish between legal and illegal immigration, foreign workers (h1B) Vs outsourcing and keeps harping on " training his replacement how to do his job at half the cost". He's just anti-immigration (or is his real beef against outsourcing? He doesn't seem to get the difference :D). He also (as waitingfor140 mentioned) ignores the various certification processes that every application (except for the L1) goes through.

I think as a group, we need to flame Fox and get them to publish a counterview (since Fox is definitely right-leaning, based on the republican agenda about cheap labor/reduced costs being good for business)
Originally posted by unitednations
Before I get into my rant, let me tell you a few things about myself;

I am in charge of 130 people

I have a very senior position in my organization and am very in tune with labor cost, outsourcing, etc. , I also am not the cheap option, my salary exceeds my peers by more than $50,000.

I tell my employees this all the time that American's just don't get it.

Everybody complains about the oursourcing of jobs to cheap labor in third world countries. If the jobs aren't oursourced to third world countries then everyone complains that their are foreigners taking their jobs at a less salary.

What I tell everyone is that you can't have it both ways. Every company is in the business to make money, there are two ways to do that, revenue enhancement and expense reduction. Expense reduction is in vogue right now.

All workers want flex time, better benefits, less work load and higher salary. I tell them that is fine but as costs go up then less jobs will be available and the jobs will disappear.

I also tell them that companies who sponsor foreign workers would not do so if Americans could fulfill the jobs. Many of my employees just don't have the hunger to succeed or go the extra mile (they don't realize they hurt themselves in the long run).

I also tell them that America cannot just sell products to every country without giving those countries something in return., ie., if you want to sell pepsi, cigarettes, etc., it can't be a take, take, take it also has to be a give and if that is in jobs then so be it.

I keep seeing articles and Lou Dobbs talking about the outsourcing of jobs to third world countries. If the USCIs keeps it up in their stupid policies then foreigners will not want to come here, and if there isn't enough people to do the job then they will get outsourced.

I could go on and on but people here in this country just don't get it.

Could u let me know who ur employer is? I think there is a good possibility of outsourcing your job and achieving cost savings for your employer.
i think i can vouch for brigand, he is usually pretty serious and very thoughtful.
Originally posted by unitednations
Before I get into my rant, let me tell you a few things about myself;

I am in charge of 130 people

I have a very senior position in my organization and am very in tune with labor cost, outsourcing, etc. , I also am not the cheap option, my salary exceeds my peers by more than $50,000.

I tell my employees this all the time that American's just don't get it.

Everybody complains about the oursourcing of jobs to cheap labor in third world countries. If the jobs aren't oursourced to third world countries then everyone complains that their are foreigners taking their jobs at a less salary.

What I tell everyone is that you can't have it both ways. Every company is in the business to make money, there are two ways to do that, revenue enhancement and expense reduction. Expense reduction is in vogue right now.

All workers want flex time, better benefits, less work load and higher salary. I tell them that is fine but as costs go up then less jobs will be available and the jobs will disappear.

I also tell them that companies who sponsor foreign workers would not do so if Americans could fulfill the jobs. Many of my employees just don't have the hunger to succeed or go the extra mile (they don't realize they hurt themselves in the long run).

I also tell them that America cannot just sell products to every country without giving those countries something in return., ie., if you want to sell pepsi, cigarettes, etc., it can't be a take, take, take it also has to be a give and if that is in jobs then so be it.

I keep seeing articles and Lou Dobbs talking about the outsourcing of jobs to third world countries. If the USCIs keeps it up in their stupid policies then foreigners will not want to come here, and if there isn't enough people to do the job then they will get outsourced.

I could go on and on but people here in this country just don't get it.

If you were hurt, then I was joking!!

Im a Program Mgr for one of the top Indian outsourcing company. Here are some the reasons why companies outsource

1. In the late 1990s, big employers found it difficult to get, train and retain good quality employees in IT. They were badly hurt by high attition, frivilous employee lawsuits, ever-rising employee demands, etc. In contrast, they found Indian IT companies to be far more stable, reliable, high-quality and very, very cheap. So going offshore provided them with a better option and made good business sense

2. Small companies that were/are tight on budget are always looking for offshore companies, since they find offshore vendors work longer hours and get the job done cheaper. Several small companies may not have been able to stay afloat had it not been for offshore companies supporting it.

3. Big companies, also have to deal with the extra expense of retraining their employees constantly due to constant changes in technology (today client-server, tommorow web, then wireless...what the hell is going on!!). Plus, an aging workforce engrained in their routine IT tasks dont help out!! Most oldtimers love the waterfall method for application development and the sequential COBOL style of life....but when it comes to Object oriented, RUP process, it just doesnt register with them. Its extremely difficult and cost prohibitive to retain an entire dept to think differently overnight.

Lou Dobbs is an ass. His analysis of the following is EXTREMELY wrong and ridiculous

1. American employers somehow are in love with India and they prefer India over the US. (benedict arnold CEO???) That is just plain sick....

2. That indian companies can be assured of its god-given right to american business forever.....

Investors rule the roost here. If companies feel that too many jobs are going offshore and the economy is suffereing because of it, they can change that almost overnight....there is very little that offshore companies can do to stem that reverse tide!! Remember, services market is very dicey

The reason for my lengthy response is that: You cant say OUTSOURCING IS GOOD, or OUTSOURCING IS BAD. In some cases, its good, and in some cases its totally unwarranted.

In the 1990s, the employees were they are treated as sh*t. Both are extreme situations...I think there needs to be a middleground
That’s a perfect scaring tactics widely practiced by democrats, but its surprising to see that on Fox which usually aligns with Republicans. CNN runs these sorts of things almost daily.

Put it simply – this is a capitalist country and every company big or small is struggling to keep the labor cost down, outsourcing is one way to achieve it. It’s nothing new in this country this had happened to manufacturing in the eighties.

I work for a fortune 10 company, which is a pioneer in outsourcing, it has worked out extremely well for us. We don’t hire guys in US anymore to write simple computer program, we rather send it to offshore. And with all the money we have saved, we have recently hired number of young engineers to work on advanced projects that world has still not heard off.