Intent to deny Asylum


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Guys, I need some help here. I got an "Intent to Deny" letter from my asylum office in Arlington, VA. The problem is their reasoning for rejecting me is baseless, in their letter they have gotten the facts of my case wrong, so I obviously have a gripe with them. Now, my questions are twofold;

1)They claim that they send this "Intent to Deny" in order to give the ayslum applicant a chance to rebutt, a chance for them to reconsider and maybe reverse their intentions. Now, my question is how much truth is there in that?? Are they really going to review my rebuttal and take it into consideration, or is the rebuttal basically a step before court, something the UCIS does simply to follow proceudre.

2)How long on average does it take for them to reply to your rebuttal, to give you a decision on whether they've reversed their intent on whether they will take you to court. I know this time period varies, but if any of you have a ballpark based on experience, do you know what it is??

Anyway, thanks a lot guys, I really need all the help and information on this matter I can get, and I feel here is the place where some of questions can, if not answered, at least addressed.
Clinical729 said:
Guys, I need some help here. I got an "Intent to Deny" letter from my asylum office in Arlington, VA. The problem is their reasoning for rejecting me is baseless, in their letter they have gotten the facts of my case wrong, so I obviously have a gripe with them. Now, my questions are twofold;

1)They claim that they send this "Intent to Deny" in order to give the ayslum applicant a chance to rebutt, a chance for them to reconsider and maybe reverse their intentions. Now, my question is how much truth is there in that?? Are they really going to review my rebuttal and take it into consideration, or is the rebuttal basically a step before court, something the UCIS does simply to follow proceudre.

2)How long on average does it take for them to reply to your rebuttal, to give you a decision on whether they've reversed their intent on whether they will take you to court. I know this time period varies, but if any of you have a ballpark based on experience, do you know what it is??

Anyway, thanks a lot guys, I really need all the help and information on this matter I can get, and I feel here is the place where some of questions can, if not answered, at least addressed.
To be honest, this is the first time i heard of such thing. I thought that when an imigration official reject your claim , you are automatically referred to an immigration judge. Perhaps the guy wanted to have further evidence from you. Email gilbert at ( i think this is his email)
This is the first time I have heard of this "Intent to Deny" ... in my opinion it is a good thing that they are giving you an opportunity to rebuttal instead of automatically referring to the Immigration court.

As you have mentioned they have gotten some facts wrong from your case that will give me some hope as you can present your case with those corrections and are granted asylum here versus going through the court system which will consume more time.

Please consult with good lawyer and give it your best shot as this may save you lots of time in future...


Note: I am NOT a lawyer and these are my personal opinions .... :)
When you are in legal status(visitor, tourist etc...) and apply for asylum you got this letter if they think your case is not convincing.
This is the very normal procedure and after you submit your response they may grant you asylum or deny it.
By the Day they make any decission on your response and if their response is denial and if you become illegal(over stayed your visa on the date of decission) your case is referred to the Immg. Judge.
And if you are still in valid status you just will got letter
saying that your application for asylum is denied and your case won't be forwarded to IJudge. Thats how much i think i know about this type of situation.

Do send your response seriously explaning what they have asked for with supporting document(if possible) They can grant you asylum.