insufficient payment for fingerprint? Help!


Registered Users (C)
Gurus. Need help.

Yesterday I received my I-485 receipts. 2 of them. One shows
I paid all the money ($395.00), and the other one is in fact
a billing notice for Fingerprinting fee ($70.00). Both of them
were issued on the same date. The two checks for $395 were
already cleared. Now I have two receipts before me;
a correct receipt and a wrong one.

The uscis website shows me that my application is in suspense.
Shoot. What should I do? Please give me some advice.
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Dont you have a lawyer?

I visited the uscis local office. an immigration officer told me
that my appl IS in suspense. she told me she would send the file,
indicating the uscis made a mistake and need to get fixed right away.
according to her, in this case, it would not take much time.
btw, she gave me her email address, telling me that i can send
her emails asking about it. very pleasant, unexpectedly.

Did your issue get resolved ? i am in the same sitaution as you ? please share your experience ? did you get your FP notice ?

Please share your experience