INS workload cited in the 2003 white house budget


Registered Users (C)
The 2003 budget itself doesn\'t matter much to those of us who filed 485 last year. However, if you scroll down to the workload section, the number of cases does shed some light on the work cut out for INS in the months ahead. I think it looks promising. Here it goes:
Immigration Services.--Deliver services to the public in a timely,
consistent fair and high quality manner. This activity encompasses
efforts to (1) Establish and maintain an asylum process that is fair and
timely, and that denies meritless claims quickly without discouraging
legitimate seekers of asylum, (2) establish and maintain immigration and
naturalization processes that deliver benefits to our customers in a
fair, accurate and timely manner, (3) make ``user friendly\'\' customer
service an integral, permanent aspect of all INS activities, and (4)
provide employers, benefit providers and other appropriate entities with
immigration information and alien status, and the assistance and tools
needed to allow them to comply with the laws while safeguarding the
civil and privacy rights of citizens and aliens alike. The 2003 Budget
continues to support a five-year, $500 million initiative to support a
universal six-month processing standard for all immigration


                                     2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.
Total Benefits Applications received 7,934,772 8,509,061 7,646,110
Total Benefits Applications
completed........................... 7,044,194 9,684,970 9,396,580
  Naturalization Applications:
    Applications received........... 501,646 600,000 600,000
    Applications completed.......... 831,486 712,880 692,440
    Avg. processing time (months)... 9 8 6
  Adjustment of Status Applications:
    Applications received........... 754,133 1,009,460 771,000
    Applications completed.......... 821,508 1,342,180 1,061,810
    Avg. processing time (months)... 14 10 6
Asylum Program:
  Cases received.................... 74,017 65,790 65,790
  Cases completed................... 70,721 70,000 70,000
  New asylum cases processed within
    60 days......................... 79% 75% 75%
  Expedited removal/credible fear
    cases processed within 14 days.. 91% 80% 80%

To get the Average 485 processing time to 10 mnths - they have to approve most of them in 8 mnths as the RFE cases will eventually move avg to 10.