INS: The high fees for bad services?


New Member
I just couldn't believe myself when looking at the INS fees chart. What are they thinking? The people coming to the states bringing gold? And the really bad thing about it is people get the most low quality, unprofessional services from INS, with all that high cost they pay. Most people come to the states to find something better, and mostly from the undeveloped countries. I guess that doesn't mean they are wealthy...

Well for most of us living in the states, we might not have anything to do with INS and we don't really care about the problems there.. but think about it when you're having to pay almost $1,000 for an application out of your pocket, still you'll have to deal with all the delay, cold services. I married my wife from another country and brought her here.. and having deal with all that pains. unfortunately, no way to complain or feedback. Those guys just keep doing whatever they want, and INS keeps raising up the fees to pay them.

I've witnessed more than 5 security guys at San Diego INS, doing nothing but hanging around and chatting, also, give people a hard time once in a while showing people that they're holding the power there. What are they protecting? with all 5 of them at the door? Even a pregnant woman (who needs a little drink or snacks every once in a while) was asked to "no food or drink".. how rude? And everyone else cannot talk back to those security guys; otherwise, they'll kick you out... Talking about delays, it costs me around 6 months just to receive a notice, of course after a few times I have to take off from work and ping on them.

Most people who got to do with INS are coming from outside, and they can't speak up like the locals. Is this why INS keeps getting worse and worse on their services and absolutely no way to complain them, and they don't care anyway, since the INS customers always scare of the officers.

I see this as a big unfair game that the government plays on people, hope you guys see the same thing. I wonder what people can really do about this, otherwise, it'll geting deeper. This is the only thing I've found from the internet, but still couldn't find any process of it.