INS playing games with us


Registered Users (C)
It seems INS is taking us for a ride. There have been no approvals for the last 2 months (atleast in NSC).
So when people start pressuring them about whether there is a freeze, they say problems have been resolved and approve a few cases. But in reality it looks like they are out to screw us.
Though the all-round frustration is understandable and legit, I think it's useless to post messages that simply cuss INS and doesn't have any helpful information. Don't get me wrong--just like the rest, I am stuck with an RD of late June and no rfe's--just waiting and waiting. I log on to this forum to get useful info and share experiences--so please just let's post messages that don't waste time and space by posting the obvious--like the INS is sneaky and this and that. We should focus more on posting trackers etc.
Again as I said before, the fact that there are no approvals from this relatively small sample doesn't mean much. Its not like every AOS applicant is represented here. VSC also seems to have a much larger following on this board and perhaps is part of the reason for seeing some action.
I don't think anyone is sitting at INS saying "lets screw them all". Its sad that you live your life feeling that way.
I admire your courage to be optimistic. Everyone understands the posting here may not be representative,but how do you explain we do not see any single approval posted for the last two months, but we did get one or two approvals here every day on the same board before the freeze?

Cummulatively, it has to mean that the freeze is still there.