INS Phone System Down?


Registered Users (C)
Boy, what do I know....I take a half day vacation, come home to make this lengthy call, only to find out that the INS phone system is temporarily down. Any one experienced the same? Thanks.
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Yeap,, I opened a discussion regarding this in the TSC forum. I have
been re-dialing their number for 8 hiurs yesterday and 4 hours today .
I get through about once every hour and get teh AVS. When I press "0"
I get a message stating that they are temporarely closed due to an
emergency. I called INS Customer Service and they did not know why TSC
is closed.
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Tropical storm Allison pounded the state of Texas last couple of days,especially the Houston metropolitan area and left a lot of casualties and debris. I don\'t know how far Mesquite (where TSC is located) is from there,but my guess is they must have closed \'cos of that. Hopefully,they should get back to business soon!
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I have been trying for the past two days I got the
same message too.

I had sent faxes last week and 2 days back enquiring
about my status and I didn\'t get any reply.

I am not sure what is going on. TSC released their processing
times and I485 date hasn\'t changed (July 99)for last 4 to 5
months !!!!
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Texas Cervice center is away from Houston.
I have been in Houston INS yesterday and operates fine.
I do not think TSC had any problems because of the storm.