INS Interview question: Urgent.....


Registered Users (C)

I have an interview in Boston in August.

I have been gathering my docs and have been unable to find my or my spouses old expired EAD cards. We have our current EAD cards.

Could this be a problem. They did not ask us to bring old expires EAD cards in the interview letter
No Title

If an EAD expired, it is useless anyway. Just take your current
EADs and that should be enough for the interview. INS generally
wants to take your current EAD and cancel it when they stamp
PR in your passport.
No Title

Oct 1999
FP March 01
Transferred April
Interview August in Boston

My concern is that not many people are being transferred to Boston. If there are people out there with Boston transfers lets start a list to track everyone. SOmething like the Baltimore list
