INS Delays and Lifes of People


Registered Users (C)
Guys, we are not seeing any

1] Receipt Notices for people who filed beyond March, 2001
2] FP Notices for people who filed in Jan-March Time frame.
3] EAD/AP approvals for guys who filed in Jan-March.
4] 485 approvals for those who filed in 09/2000 to Feb 2001.

INS is just messing up. They dont understand how many jobs are at stake and how many lifes can get ruined because of these unnecessary delays on their part. So many people are getting laid off for no fault of theirs and the biggest frustration for people who get laid off is not getting laid off (because most of them dont care about their jobs anyway) rather losing their Green Card for the sake of some idiotic beurocracy...

Worst case scenario, if INS cannot give approvals atleast a small clarification on the 180 day rule can help people with some relief.....This is not just delay this is delay times a factor of 2.
.......f!*@*#(#) INS
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yeah, man, fuck INS!!!
for the INS, it is their job to delay our case, for us, it is our life and might be the only chance to get GC.
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I know complaining does not help much, bu INS is really sucks. They can\'t do some simple things right, like:

1. Process cases FIFO. This is stressful for people who see others who filed much later than them got approved.

2. You can\'t get any info on your case. So if you see others who filed later got approved, you still wouldn\'t know whether there is anything wrong with your case. You will worry about they lost your case, but you won\'t know. They can\'t tell.

This whole GC processing, combine the incomptency of my company\'s HR people and stupid management, plus the laziness and apathy of the lawyer, and the lousy service from INS, make the whole things a big stress. Getting my BS and MS degree has been much less stressful for me, because I can control most of the issues, unlike here.
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seowfun, you got everything right. Very stressful if they do everything random.

My PD is 12/97. My friends with PD=6/00 and got their green cards already.

Some groups are proposing to dismantle INS bec. it has monopoly on enforcement issues and service issues. I think they should concentrate on service only. ("Service" is in their name).

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Guys, talk with somebody who cares instead of just venting out.

For example IEEE had some articles last years about \'Permanent residents not temporary workers.\' The argument was that bringing in permanent residents is better both for the american worker and for the immigrant while still filling in the open positions in the economy.

Probably other labor-type organizations have similar views. In my opinion these organizations should support the 180 days rule.

I wrote to the President of IEEE organization. You can do the same and/or look around for similar opportunities to advance this regulation.

Good luck!
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Proactive , can you post a address where we can mail info. I encourage everybody on the board to send a letter. If you all agree, I will be happy to post a standard format of the letter, that everybody can use..

If you guys like the idea, please post yes and myself and Proactive will do the required things...

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Letters will be more effective from current IEEE members. I suggest you get yourselves familiar with the IEEE position on H1 visa. Also you should not emphasize too much how miserable *you* are feeling, this institution is serious about protecting american workers (which we are not yet).

Good luck!