information needed for my mother case


New Member
hi forum

my aunt had sponsored my father family probably in the year of 1979. my father and my brothergot visa in dec 1995 but my mom did not accepted the us visa due to family commitment but myself and my brother both of us now in usa so there is no one at home to take care of my mom so we would like to bring her here in usa. My father passed away in los angels in july 2002. my brother is a us citizen so we decided to sponsor my mother through my brother but i would like to know that can we reopen my mother earlier case when she did not accepted the us visa in the year of 1995. it was f-4 (family based) category visa. if some one help me in this matter i would apreciate a lot .
If she never entered, her visa would have been considered abandoned years ago...but she is in a better catagory now than she was when your aunt filed for her. As long as your USC brother is over 21 he could bring her here within a year.