Info from my Lawyer


Registered Users (C)
We just received some unofficial notes about a recent meeting with CSC. According to those notes, CSC is still working on religious based I-485 applications and they expect to finish those by mid November. In sum, CSC has a goal to reduce I-485 processing time to 6 months by November 2004.

Because there are only ~10 people working on I-485 applications at this time, CSC is strictly shooting back any inquiries for cases filed after 12/17/01.
what about inquiries for AOS filed before 12/16/2001

what about inquiries for AOS filed before 12/16/2001.
what is CSC's excuse for that.
Why approve religeous cases now that it has been extended
for five years.
its all BS

Its all bull shit. BCIS are big liars they will not even get a place in hell leave alone heaven.

waiting for 19 months for 485 approval....:mad: :mad:
When are we gonna stop posting crap like this? Everyone "hears information" from some one and raise hopes of some ignorant souls on this portal. As usual nothing happens on that 'magic date' or month and then there are a few whines and curses. Then life gets back to normal with little skirmishes and activist messages.....then VOILA!! NEXT RUMOR!!

Just like we post "spam" on some messages not related to immigration, why don't we post "crap" in front of these threads?

Why are you so critical. All gusses here are based on information people get from their attorneys and sharing them should be perfectly fine. None of us has any contacts inside CSC that we can get first hand information.

If you want messages to be tagged then you should be the first one to put "Crap" in subject line of all of ur postings, as none of it is useful to anyone. They are just critical and scare people from sharing their thoughts.

So try to be considerate to fellow members and give them a break.
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Pedda,What are you smoking?
People will stop coming to this forum because someone asks questions? Which sheep herd did they pick you up from? And what's the Lalloo deal all about? I don't even know what that is!!

You can add "crap" to your name..will suit you fine!! "Why are you being so critical" is the only thing you know? That's in all your postings.If you have been on this forum long enough, you know why I and many others are skeptical about all these "news" from BCIS. I just voice my opinion. You wanna just follow someone's tail without asking questions, be my guest! Just don't ask others to do what you do.
laloo's thread

ECGC, I posted a laloo joke long time ago and Pedda is still hanging on that, I guess

Originally posted by Pedda
This message is much more informative than your earlier Lallooo one.

What kind of crapy preson r u? I marked it as * SPAM * on my laloo's thread and its up one to read a SPAM thread or not. So dont judge with just one thread.
And also don't be a f****d up wrinkled ass man, move on with your life...
Being skeptical is one thing and raising finger and discouraging people from posting by giving totally idiotic and sarcastic replies is all together different. These are news from BCIS and it's upto us to believe it or not. Atleast by this way we are knowing what they are currently working on.

When you are being questioned you are feeling the heat in ur ass. That's what I wanted to make u realise and I can see you are already feeling it.
easy guys,

Its a public forum, as long it is related to immigration one can post any thing, but if its not from a trusted source, is a guess, or not verified info, may be one can mark it as a RUMOR, just like SPAM.

But in few cases if you get it from a person, you believed a trusted source you want to share it and post it as a genuine information.

Lets not cross swords, be patient guys, I know I've not really seen the tunnel yet, (Mine is Aug 2003 ND for 485/140) but I can understand your frustation being deep in the tunnel and looking for the end of it.

good luck,
Saw u deleted some of your earlier (sarcastic) replies from other

Keep it up ECGC !!!!
Originally posted by ECGCABC
Being skeptical is one thing and raising finger and discouraging people from posting by giving totally idiotic and sarcastic replies is all together different.
Well said! Being skeptical of the information and being skeptical of the information poster's integrity are two totally different things.

But I guess everyone has a right to their opinion. So ECGC can pretty much post what he likes, though ECGCABC has a right to shoot it down. And it is those flames that keep the forum going since INS has pretty much closed shop and left us out in the cold! So keep it up guys, nice to be a spectator for once. :)
Originally posted by ECGCABC
Saw u deleted some of your earlier (sarcastic) replies from other
thread. Keep it up ECGC !!!!


Don't go to there! That thread need not be a part of this discussion. And I would go as far to say delete your post on that topic!
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Originally posted by ECGCABC
Being skeptical is one thing and raising finger and discouraging people from posting by giving totally idiotic and sarcastic replies is all together different. These are news from BCIS and it's upto us to believe it or not. Atleast by this way we are knowing what they are currently working on.

When you are being questioned you are feeling the heat in ur ass. That's what I wanted to make u realise and I can see you are already feeling it.

The only time I raised a finger was at you and that was my middle finger!!:D :D ...
I guess what your lonely, almost dead brain cell inside your numb-skull was trying to say was "pointing fingers" any case, a little twerp like you ain't gonna keep me asking questions about things that are not convincing to me....after all, who would want to listen to a dyslexic jack ass like you?
You are making me laugh:D :D :D
U r right Pedda. The intent is being conveyed.

ECGC, It gives me immense pleasure to see u sooo upset at start of the day. How is the day going ???
:D :D :D
Awesome day..Thanks for asking.....

The only thing I miss is you not asking me your ususal question ...have you been kicked outa "dumbville" also?:D :D
Please everyone post freely whatever comes to your mind *especially* anything you consider related to immigration.

If someone doesnt' feel like reading it, they won't. And yea, don't be a self appointed society watchdog/policeman - it ain't cool.
I for one agree with I140_takes_forever, we do need some good fights to spice things up in this forum. So ECGC, and ECGCABC, I'll cheer you both if you keep that racket up.