Indian Passport expired - need help


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I have an american green card. My Indian passport expired more then 2 years ago. Will I have any problems getting my Indian passport renewed.?
I will also be applying for us citizenship shortly. Thanks in advance for the help.
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citipassport said:
I have an american green card. My Indian passport expired more then 2 years ago. Will I have any problems getting my Indian passport renewed.?
I will also be applying for us citizenship shortly. Thanks in advance for the help.
Yes, you will have problems renewing your Indian Passport. Passports are supposed to renewed BEFORE expiration. You have to go to the nearest Indian embassy/consulate and apply for a new one. Do not send the application by mail. Go in person and explain. Note, it will take several months for you to get a new passport since your old one has already expired. As far as applying for US Citizenship matters it does not matter if your Indian Passport expired but you must always have a valid passport.