independent reference?


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Are my boss's collaborators independent reference? I have never worked directly with them. However, they know my work through my boss. They had some indirect collaborations with me. Should I avoid mentioning any of the collaborations if I inclulde them as independent reference?

Thank you very much! :)
zhaohui said:
Are my boss's collaborators independent reference? I have never worked directly with them. However, they know my work through my boss. They had some indirect collaborations with me. Should I avoid mentioning any of the collaborations if I inclulde them as independent reference?

Thank you very much! :)

I would always try to go for the completely independent references with not connection to you or your boss
zhaohui said:
Are my boss's collaborators independent reference? I have never worked directly with them. However, they know my work through my boss. They had some indirect collaborations with me. Should I avoid mentioning any of the collaborations if I inclulde them as independent reference?

Thank you very much! :)

Well, I am not sure about classical defination of independent reference but i can tell a bit about my references:
I had 19 letters to support my petition
1. My employer USA
2. My phD advisor INDIA
3. Director of Rearch USA
4. Big guy from my research area (never collaborated iwth my boss) UK
5. Big guy from my research area (who edited book which my boss wrote) MIT
6. Relatively o.k Asst prof(collaborator)sweden
7. 4 industrial refernce (1 knows me but never collaborated, 2 funded partly in our project, 1 who collaborated in teh past ..never met me...., 4 never seen him but know him thru email..was interested in our patent once).
zhaohui said:
Are my boss's collaborators independent reference? I have never worked directly with them. However, they know my work through my boss. They had some indirect collaborations with me. Should I avoid mentioning any of the collaborations if I inclulde them as independent reference?

Thank you very much! :)
You are applying in which category? (OR or NIW?)
Indirect collaboration should be fine...It would not harm you in any addition try to get some letters from well-known experts in your area.
Good luck!