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important question for all high numbers???


Registered Users (C)

do anybody know af each region numbers is concern only this region or this arrangment worldwide??

I MEAN they selected this year say 44000 winner from Africa only ..case no. 2006AF43000 is the case no. 43000 which it have been selected from those 44000 winners in Africa??

thats mean AF numbers begines from AF00001 to whatever they select and AS numbers begine also from AS00001 to last one in asia and so on ??

that is mean they will interview at least 80000 from the 90000 selected this year2006 to select only the lucky 50.000??

and if that correct why they write the no. format from six digits like 2006AF040000?
and if this no. is worldwide no. thats mean AF40000 from the all 90000.. why we didnt see any high no. in Asia or EU??
thank you friends
