Important Info about FBI Fingerprint


Registered Users (C)
I have tried my best to complie the things required for FBI FINGERPRINT, if there is any mistake, let me know, I will change it accordingly.

1. What is FBI Fingerprint Card?

FBI Fingerprint card is a seperate card where you provide all your details and take your fingerprints by an authorized personnel or agency.

Please look at the sample of the card attached at the bottom of this thread. Name of the file: fingerprintcard.gif

2. Who needs FBI Fingerprints result?

Anyone who is a resident of the United States of America should get FBI Fingerprint result.

3. How to get it?

For the residents who live in big cities, where they have INS office, you can find few mobile carts just outside the building who are doing photographs, identification and fingerprinting services. You can just tell them that the fingerprint is required for Canadian Immigraiton purpose. Otherwise, just look for the fingerprinting agencies in your Yellow Book or contact your nearest Police Station for fingerprinting.
If not, please search Internet for the local agencies like below: (I am not sure, how far the validity of these site information are)
For California Residents:
For NJ/PA/DE Residents:

Any two forms of identification such as
Passport (Aliens please carry)
State Driver's License
State DMV ID Card
Out-of-state Driver's License
Alien Registration / Immigration Green Card
Military ID Card
Mexican Consulate ID Card

You can request for the fingerprinting by mentioning the purpose of the fingerprint is "Canadian Immigration"

Fingerprint(ed) Card
Certified cheque or money order for US $18 made payable to the U.S. Treasury.
A letter that specifies that you require fingerprints for Canadian Immigration purposes.

FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS Division)
Attention: SCU Mod D-2
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, West Virgina 26306 USA


Though it is said that it will take 4-6 weeks, now a days it takes almost 10 weeks for the result. Wait until 10 weeks for sure.
where to get the fingerprint card/form

I will be applying for canadian PR soon and I am preparing all my paper work.

Do we have to send the FBI clearance along with the application?

where can I get the fingerprint card, Can I download it from some where or the fingerprinting authority will provide one.


maheshrudra said:
I have tried my best to complie the things required for FBI FINGERPRINT, if there is any mistake, let me know, I will change it accordingly.
you can submit FBI finger print results once u receive ur initial assesment. The results are valid for 6 months only, hence if u send now and u get ur IA done after 6 months, u may have to do it again. I sent mine without PCC and FBI when I sent my appln. Once the IA is done, CIC will ask u to submit these addl. docs.

Thanks abcd123_123_3.


abcd123_123_3 said:
you can submit FBI finger print results once u receive ur initial assesment. The results are valid for 6 months only, hence if u send now and u get ur IA done after 6 months, u may have to do it again. I sent mine without PCC Tand FBI when I sent my appln. Once the IA is done, CIC will ask u to submit these addl. docs.

rsrinivas27 said:
Thanks abcd123_123_3.


Check it out, Buffalo requires that you submit the FBI record upfront with your application, changed the procedure in about October.

PMM said:

Check it out, Buffalo requires that you submit the FBI record upfront with your application, changed the procedure in about October.


Hi everyone,

I just applied Canadian PR on Feb,05 but without FBI record and PCC. I will send my FP to FBI within this week. Do you think it will be ok?

Is the amount i have to send FBI $ 18 or $ 18*2 ? Because myself and my wife is the applicant for PR.

Thank you.
FBI fingerprint

I think you should submit two applications one for yourself and another for your wife with $18 * 2.
Hi PMM, do you know where I can find the information about the change in the procedure about submitting Fingerprint record along with the application?


PMM said:

Check it out, Buffalo requires that you submit the FBI record upfront with your application, changed the procedure in about October.

For anybody interested in obtaining fingerprint in NJ, there is very good place in Dunellen

Lujansa Express
(732) 424-8530
121 N Washington Ave
Dunellen, NJ 08812

They charge $20 and they will provide FBI card
validity of Finger print card

I did my finger prints in Nov/Dec 2003 and I have sent my application in April 2004. Now case is approved and I got my passport stamped as well. I need to land some time in the next 6 months.

It was mentioned in some of the earlier threads that FBI finger print card results are valid only for 6 months. But in my case I was never asked again to proved fresh fringer print results.
FBI Fingerprinting in the Bay Area

For those interested in FBI Fingerprinting agency in the Bay Area
for Canadian Immigration

Here is a nice place (provides a fingerprint card)

He said he has a live (electronic) FP machine too (which
he says is mandatory after July 2005)

Abby Photos
1780 Miramonte Ave
Mountain View, CA
M-F 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Charges $15/per person

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fingerprint cards

Could somebody please tell, where to get this finger printing done from, dmv, or local polie or where can i find any private busineess?
i live in richmond, virginia.
thanks a lot.