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Terrorist Acts - Immigration Info & Tips
We know that all our clients are deeply distressed by the tragic events of the terrorist attacks on September 11 in New York City, Pennsylvania and Washington DC. We have received emails from many of you asking if these attacks on the United States will effect your immigration processing. The answer is yes, but the specifics, particularly the long term effects, are not as clear. Our immediate concern is to be sure that each of you understands that the political reality in the United States for the foreseeable future will be one of caution, and that each of us, whether citizen or non-immigrant, must be prepared for delays, inquiries and investigation whenever INS is involved. Our national security demands no less.

As a result, until this crisis is resolved, it is best for everyone to understand that INS is not going to be able to address individual issues or requests for special handling. INS\' primary resources will be dedicated to whatever law enforcement role the federal government asks it to perform. For that reason, please be very mindful that you travel without any guarantee of how your return will be handled by INS, even if you have all your documents. Each time a non-US citizen seeks to enter the US, the US government, operating through the INS, has the legal right to review virtually every aspect of the basis for that entry, and to forbid that entry if it believes the applicant is excludable for any of over 30 reasons, including "national security". Untangling any problems at the Port of Entry will be difficult and time-consuming, so please exercise good judgment in deciding if you should travel internationally and how you can best prepare yourself for a smooth re-entry.

With that general background, we want to share with you some practical information and "tips" to handle the immigration implications of terrorist attacks for the immediate future.

At this early stage in the United States government\'s reaction to this horrendous crime, you can expect the following:

1. delays in mail to and from US government offices, whether Department of Labor, Department of State or INS

2. delays in scheduling with any US Consulate, some of which are closed, and all of which are on high security alert.

3. delays in flights within the US and returning to the US, and serious security clearance measures in place

4. increased screening of all non-US citizens at all ports of entry to the US.

5. increased "secondary inspections", investigations and summary exclusion of any questionable requests for entry at all ports of entry to the US. [NOTE: "secondary inspections" occur whenever the INS officer at the initial contact is not satisfied with the foreign national\'s answers to the routine questions, i.e. "what is your purpose in coming to the US", or to the routine review of supporting documents]

6. reduced numbers of INS personnel to handle adjudications as a result of adjudications officers being switched from "adjudications" to "enforcement" to reflect the increased national concern over security.

What does this mean to you?

1. do not schedule any Consulate interviews or trips for at least 2 months unless they are absolutely mandatory

2. do not schedule any trips outside the US that are not mandatory for at least 2 months

3. only travel if you have every document in perfect order, i.e., passports are valid for at least 6 months beyond your expected date of return; visa is valid; advance parole is correct and you have the necessary number of copies, etc. This is not the time to expect any kindness or flexibility from a US Consulate or the INS.

4. if you are traveling on business, be sure you have a letter from your company explaining the reason for the trip. It is also a good idea to carry some evidence of your employment in the US, from your company ID badge, a copy of a recent payroll stub, a company credit card, a business card, etc.

5. if the investig
From which web site you got this information.. Please let me know

From which web site you got this information.. Please let me know

Please refrain from posting such megs......unless you have VALID proof

Lot of people in this forum ( including myself ) are counting on their Green Cards for their “ Professional Growth ” , As far as I know , INS or DOJ or DOS ……non of them have issued any statement with that regard .

America represent “ Freedom , Liberty , Justice for all ” and at NO point will they let hardworking immigrants down .

God Bless America