Impact of Dismissed DV on N-400


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Hi Gurus,

In the year 2000 (8 years back) I was arrested on spousal battery charge which was dismissed later and was brought down to an "infraction" (section 415). I wasn't sentenced and was never put on probation etc. I was asked to take an anger management course and submit the certificate, that's about it. Will it have any impact on my N-400 application which I am planning to apply next month (5 years employment based). I had to appear for an interview for my GC, but never had any issue excepting a simple qs by the IO to check why it happened.

Will appreciate your comments and suggestions. Thanks
Hi Gurus,

In the year 2000 (8 years back) I was arrested on spousal battery charge which was dismissed later and was brought down to an "infraction" (section 415). I wasn't sentenced and was never put on probation etc. I was asked to take an anger management course and submit the certificate, that's about it. Will it have any impact on my N-400 application which I am planning to apply next month (5 years employment based). I had to appear for an interview for my GC, but never had any issue excepting a simple qs by the IO to check why it happened.

Will appreciate your comments and suggestions. Thanks

Should be OK. Matter of Rainford says one can not be deported
based upon prior criminal elements once Adjustment to PR is done.

And for citizenship purpose, it is outside 5 year statutory period
for good moral character.