Impact of Delay on Quality of Immigrant Workforce


Registered Users (C)
It occurs to me that special registration and the resultant delays will hurt American economy, based on the hypothesis that the "good" quality (not debating this defintion; take your pick) immigrant worker will increasingly choose other host country(ies). Any comments?

[Note: Though a bit of digression from main CSC/I485 theme, I thought it wouldn't hurt since not much else is happening anyway. Besides, whenever I get an email notification of an update to this forum, for the brief period of time while I am accessing the page, my heart is filled with hope of some good news! Perhaps the same is true for some other folks!]
1. Even if the 'good quality immigrants' choose other 'hosts', you really think they (INS or Govt.) give a rat's ass?

2. When people pay 1-5 lacs of money to come here in shipping containers and end up being a waiter for less than 5 bucks an hour, you think that special registration and/or delays will deter people who are making 60-80K?

Not trying to be rude/bitter, but this is the hard fact my friend.
