Unless you express your concerns, please do so immediately the REPRESENTATIVE actively vote to pass this
You can find out who your representative is and for instructions on how to contact him/her here:
Please post this message in all immigration groups you are member of.
(FYI...) PDF version: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-...3828ih.txt.pdf
No need to send PDF file,
Just mention Bill name: 110TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION HR 3828 "Citizenship and Immigration Backlog Reduction
Respected Congressman xxxx xxxxxxxxxx,
I wish to bring to your attention inordinate delays in completing security checks for immigration benefits.
Most of these checks are completed within a reasonable period of time. However, one particular type of
check, known as "Name Check", is done by the FBI and may take years to complete. It is not surprising that
the CIS Ombudsman in his 2007 Annual Report to Congress has categorized Name Check as one of the "Pervasive
and Serious Problems" (page iv). The Name Check problem has been outstanding for many years now, yet little
has been done to resolve the issue.
(Write your problem)
Thank you very much for your time and I hope you will support this bill.
Name :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unless you express your concerns, please do so immediately the REPRESENTATIVE actively vote to pass this
You can find out who your representative is and for instructions on how to contact him/her here:
Please post this message in all immigration groups you are member of.
(FYI...) PDF version: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-...3828ih.txt.pdf
No need to send PDF file,
Just mention Bill name: 110TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION HR 3828 "Citizenship and Immigration Backlog Reduction
Respected Congressman xxxx xxxxxxxxxx,
I wish to bring to your attention inordinate delays in completing security checks for immigration benefits.
Most of these checks are completed within a reasonable period of time. However, one particular type of
check, known as "Name Check", is done by the FBI and may take years to complete. It is not surprising that
the CIS Ombudsman in his 2007 Annual Report to Congress has categorized Name Check as one of the "Pervasive
and Serious Problems" (page iv). The Name Check problem has been outstanding for many years now, yet little
has been done to resolve the issue.
(Write your problem)
Thank you very much for your time and I hope you will support this bill.
Name :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx