ImmigrationVoice and QuinnGillespie hitting their stride in Washington DC


Registered Users (C)
Posted by Immigration Voice admin and ragz4u on the IV forum:

Our strategic Counsel, QGA has begun setting up meetings for us with lawmakers and congressional staff in a big way.

Three of our volunteers are in Washington DC this week. Yesterday, we met with Chief Counsel of the House Sub Committee on Immigration and also California Congresswoman Zoe Logfren's Senior Aide and get the House view on Comprehensive Immigration Bill. We were also interviewed by Kate Ackley, Reporter for Roll Call. Roll Call is THE newspaper read by lawmakers and their staff and the best way for us to get the message to them.

Today they have already been to White House and spoken to senior people to get the Administration's view on immigration. They have 2 more meetings for the day.

They have another full day on Friday and Monday also, when they will be meeting with 3-4 Senators' staff each day. All these senators are high powered senators who will be able to very much further our cause.

More details of these meeting will follow shortly, when they are able to get a breather from all those meetings.

To maintain this kind of excellent service provided by QGA, we urge our members to please contribute monetarily to IV.

Also note to all the readers. All the folks who are in DC right now (from Florida, NJ and other places) have

1) Paid for their trip at their personal expense
2) Are staying at hotels at their personal expense
3) Taken days off from work at personal expense
4) Paid for Rental Car/meals at personal expense

We are running short of funds and there is only so much the core volunteers can contribute (monetarily as well as timewise). Each of us have an equal stake in the outcome of what we are trying. Please consider contributing to Immigration Voice. If you have already contributed once, we urge you to please do so again. Also try and rope in your friends who are in the same boat.
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Yesterday IV volunteers were able to meet with Caroline Hunter, George Bush's Deputy Counsel for immigration affairs at the White House and also with the senior Aide of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. Meeting with such people gave us a lot of clarity into what is going with respect to the Comprehensive Immigration Bill. We have more meetings set up for Friday and Monday with many of the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

To maintain such kind of involvement with our lobbyist, Immigration Voice needs more contributions. Please contribute and make your voice heard.
Are we getting any commitments?

It is great meeting senators/ senators staff.

Are we asking getting any commitments on our positions? Are we getting any idea whether they are - for / against/ neutral and what will make them change their stance if there is voting???

GCstrat :)