******** ImmigrationPortal.org Fund - Please donate generously********


Registered Users (C)
******** ImmigrationPortal.org Fund - Please donate generously********

"We, some of the members of the Immigration.Com community have, with the help of Rajiv, started a new corporation, ImmigrationPortal.Org (non-profit organization) to address various legal immigration problems faced by non-immigrants and immigrants."
Note that the corporation is not controlled by Rajiv. We are independent, though Rajiv continues to be one of our directors.

Now we request everyone here to contribute generously to accomplish our mission. Checks can be drawn in favor of IMMIGRATIONPORTAL.ORG

Attn: Vijay B. Sharma
5225 N Wilson Blvd
Arlington VA 22205

Message from our Accountant:

I wish to update that I have requested Wachovia bank to open a checking account in the name of 'Immigrationportal.Org'. I expect to get today an account number and wire transfer information so those who wish to make contributions by check or make a transfer can be able to do it. Meanwhile I will get signature cards and other forms from the bank and have them signed by designated signatories. However, this should not stop any one from issuing a check in favor of 'Immigrationportal.Org' as his/her contribution for the fund. Please go ahead and collect the contribution checks and mail the same to my attention on address;

5225 N Wilson Blvd
Arlington VA 22205

immigrationportal.org website

immigrationportal.org website is under construction. We are working to bring it up as soon as possible.

On the website You are going to see pretty much what you are seeing on this thread. Please understand that this immigrationportal.org is started to raise funds for immigration reforms and started by CORE team members, which are active members of this forum. They are active members, few of them even approved but still want to fight and work with us.

What you need to understand is it is work in progress. We just registered the website, opened the bank account and registered the orginaization. Bringing up website is the next thing and we are on it.

The funds are going to be used for Advertisements to support our lawsuit, website maintainance etc. A more detailed activities list will be posted soon.

Thanks for your support and participation.
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