Immigration Check point in south Florida?


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Hi All
We are travelling to Key West, Miami ... I was just wondering if there is a Immigration check point in Florida . I know there is (or was in 2000) one in Texas on I-35 about 10/20 miles north of Mexico /US border and we were asked to show our passport. I was wondering if I then carry my GC.
Thanks in advance
If you are traveling within the country you should always carry your green card.

Infact the law requires your to keep your green card with you all times
Are these checkpoijnts mobile or fixed?

Is they are fixed, then we can collect their location and mark them on a
map (assuming it is legal to do so)
The one I was stopped at was like a permanent check point -- bit like the a toll both. I was told that any where below I-10 you should be expected to be stopped. There is one in Arizona also (not been there). As far as the legal part of putting the locations on a map -- I think we should err to the side of caution.
Sorry for sounding dumb, but isn't the immigration check point for people who are going in and out of a country? You said you are going to Miami, and so if you meant staying in the US, you are not going to have much to do with any check point, right? I once lived in San Diego, and often went to Mexico for a weekend, and remember getting checked at a booth when we were coming back to the States (they didn't check anything on our way to Mexico) I remember one time my name was misspelled in the doc I carried, and we had to wait over an hour before they let me/us go. So check your documents for misspelling!!
When you are traveling by road from Mexico to the US, about 50 miles into the USA there is another check point (run by border patrol) which makes sure that illegal people from mexico do not go into the rest of the country.