Immigration Bill Back in Senate


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4 year citizenship is NOT in the bill & they will make every illegal go back to country to apply for Z Visa.

1639 is the new bill number. It will be voted on Tuesday.
4 Years Citizenship.

Hello everbody.

Is there anyone looked at the proposed bill closely regarding 4 years immigration?

Per want post it's not in the bill.Is it true?

If somebosy have any idea please share.

Hello everbody.

Is there anyone looked at the proposed bill closely regarding 4 years immigration?

Per want post it's not in the bill.Is it true?

If somebosy have any idea please share.


I'm not sure but last weekend I saw in the hispanic website of UNIVISION that will be a equal number of amendments for republicans and democrats. They (univision) post all the amendments: on the republican side there is a amendment for the four(4) year citizenship which include the english fluency and others. Those aren't suposse to be on this bill because need to be debated and approved before been include in this reform bill. I'll try to find more about this website post or other information.
Maybe someone has more specific information related to this amendment.

The bill did not pass the senate. This was a procedural vote that was required for the bill to be back up for debate. So now the senators voted to debate this bill again. 24 ammendments or so will be discussed(including 4 year citizenship) and the bill will be ammended accordingly.

After that, it will be voted for final passage. Its fairly obvious that people who voted to start debate may back out if they dont like the final bill.
oooooooooooh. Want....

After completely reading the bill, I came to notice that the bill is not the correct one. Its title is "Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2007 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)". It has nothing to do with the compromise
oooooooooooh. Want....

After completely reading the bill, I came to notice that the bill is not the correct one. Its title is "Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2007 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)". It has nothing to do with the compromise

That title is merely a 'place holder' and will be replaced once debate begins. The Unaccompanied Alien Protection Act of 2007 is actually a subset of the overall immigration bill.
oooooooooooh. Want....

After completely reading the bill, I came to notice that the bill is not the correct one. Its title is "Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act of 2007 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)". It has nothing to do with the compromise

Faysal, That is the correct # S.1639. The section you read is part of the bill. Read carefuly my friend.
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Guys: I agree that bill may be the correct one, but what about this one; S. 1348. This bill is also active, and has more cosponsors. Little bit confused. The two bills are related, and the S. 1348 has the four year provision.
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Guys: I agree that bill may be the correct one, but what about this one; S. 1348. This bill is also active, and has more cosponsors. Little bit confused. The two bills are related, and the S. 1348 has the four year provision.

That bill died on June 9th remember? So they gave it a new number and removed some parts to make it look better. The 4 year is out of the bill. It is part of an ammendment..lets see if that passes, I doubt it!
That bill died on June 9th remember? So they gave it a new number and removed some parts to make it look better. The 4 year is out of the bill. It is part of an ammendment..lets see if that passes, I doubt it!

Thanks want for the info...
Bill's chances?

The bill is going to have another vote to cut-off debate. I think only 7 republicans voted last time around, I dont know how many more will vote this time around(assuming around 40 democrats vote). None of the ammendments are getting passed(both left and right centric), so I do not know how is this perceived to be a better bill by the same senators who voted against it last time around(so if they want to go by pure reasoning, then it should be rejected).

Even though giving illegal immigrants amnesty of some sort is hard to digest, because we legal immigrants rarely break any serious law(immigration or otherwise except maybe minor traffic violations), however, living in a state(CA)(where I have seen plenty and may even have used their services), I sympathize with them that they broke the law(risking their lives, families) for a better living and should be given a choice to not be exploited and live their lives as equals.

But I do not like the bill in its current format which comes as a sort of punishment for legal immigrants by reducing their family based immigration quotas and abolishing the H1-B which normally guarantees a job(since companies are supposed to put the employees on payroll upon arrival) with a company here. With Merit-based system, lot more people will qualify but could be exploited by some placement agencies since there are no minimum pay scale set by labor laws and no time period in which they should find jobs.

my 2 cents, keep it going :)
The bill did not pass the senate. This was a procedural vote that was required for the bill to be back up for debate. So now the senators voted to debate this bill again. 24 ammendments or so will be discussed(including 4 year citizenship) and the bill will be ammended accordingly.

After that, it will be voted for final passage. Its fairly obvious that people who voted to start debate may back out if they dont like the final bill.

dear want

whats the name of the amendment that contain 4 years citizenship?

i was looking at the ALEXANDER amendment, it doesnt mention anything
about 4 years citizenship