Immigration and Job Creation


Registered Users (C)
This is my opinion... only !.

Recently there are lot of hue and cry going on regd H1b, job less b'cos of cheap labor from other countries.. Here are my views!

1) Immigration REALLY creates more JOBS and increase the GDP.
2) Minimum salary for h1b is 42K...3 plus years of h1bs make more than 70K!. People make money they spend in the economy for shopping, housing, stock mkt (which again capital gain/loss tax), 401Ks, the list goes on !.
3) One of the reason 90s boom was immigration...
4) There is a survey which shows each h1b immigrant creates 2-3 jobs on the average to the economy (co's employ on grocery, restaurant, recreations, etc.)
5) Cost Effective.. Imagine if there were no h1b allowed in this country during 90s... no immigrant then cost of producing the goods (s/w, h/w, etc) would have gone up and this country would have lost the competitiveness to some other country.

Off shore

1) Every company wants to cut cost... today may be india, slowly it is coming into china, taiwan, etc..
2) If they eliminate, restrict h1 and L1 its going to create more off shore, more it will affect the economy !!!.
Having said, how many of us go to walmart, target, etc where these goods come from ...?

I do understand people are losing job...but you have to move in the lader.. adding more value, innovation, creativity, etc.

- These are my thoughts, if guys have more pls post !.
Whats your point?

Unless you are writing a paper on this topic. If you are, then I suggest you look up old threads this past fortnight.

You are preaching to the choir!!

No one here ever said the H-1Bs/immigrants drain the economy. You are more than likely to get overwhelming support to your viewpoints on this forum...Allow be to be the first...You go girl/boy!!
Originally posted by z2e2
2) Minimum salary for h1b is 42K...3 plus years of h1bs make more than 70K!. People make money they spend in the economy for shopping, housing, stock mkt (which again capital gain/loss tax), 401Ks, the list goes on !.

H1B people don't spend money, green card people do! Give green card to AOS pengind people and they will spend money.

Let My People Go!
Re: Re: Immigration and Job Creation

what do you mean by "pengind" ? :D :D

Originally posted by Tasse
H1B people don't spend money, green card people do! Give green card to AOS pengind people and they will spend money.

Let My People Go!