IIO:-RD SEP 27'01- Case assigned? Means..??


Registered Users (C)
Spoke to IIO today 11/13/02 at 1:30EST..
First she says not yet approved..
I ask "has it been assigned"?- based on some of the posts on this board.
IIO:-" Yes, It has been assigned"
Me:- "Any idea when it may get approved"
IIO:- "There is no way to tell how long"
Me:- Thank you.
Any idea what assigned to means... light at the end of the tunnel?? Any other Sept cases remaining?? Rupnet shows atleast a 150 more unless lucky ones 'forget' to update their status.
baan dude, don't worry there are plenty september filers here waiting to hear anything after the FP....

look for threads in the first 3-4 pages of the forum and you will find out...
My experience


From my experience and what i was told by IIO's are,

"Assigned" means the case was allocated to an officer.
Please note that an officer is allocated about 100 files it seems(told by IIO..I can't gurantee the words of IIO though). So you never know when he will pick up the case.

Once the officer starts looking at a particular file, they change the status to "in progress"(which wont be reflected in online status check). Because my case they told was assigned and re-assigned and then in progress. I happened to hear all these when called in IIO different times. After they told in progress, my case was approved in 2 days time.

So atleast an officer will get a chance to look at your case..if not now in a week or two. So hang in there...All the best!