IIO Conversation


Registered Users (C)
Following were the highlights of my conversation with an IIO :-

1) Their current directive is to finish up all cases received before

2) They received about 70,000 applications in the first 10 days of
   Aug\'99 !!

3) For India and China they are no longer issuing FP notices unless
   visa cutoff dates are current (to avoid expiry of Finger Prints).

4) They process cases by RD not PD. PD is used just verify visa
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>>2) They received about 70,000 applications in the first 10 days of
>> Aug\'99 !!

Even if 50% of them (a very conservative estimate) are EB based applications, it would take a good 2-3 years for VSC to clear these applications...

Oh my...
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But a lot of the EB-3 based applications may not have their PD\'s current, so it might make a big difference. Also, they must have received a lot of EB-2 (at least India) based applications in July since the PD for India EB-2 moved by more than 8 months 1 month before the Aug flood. So, I assume that of all the applications that they received in Aug (chargeable to India), a lot of them would be EB-3 based. Just my feeling. Any thoughts/comments????
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70,000 cases were received in 10 days?! Do you think this is true???

By they way, they process the case by "ND" not PD by what I got from the IIO.
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70,000 in Aug doesnt seem right at all. The EB2 date moved by 8 months in July. So most of the EB2 applicants applied in July (RD date July). INS takes at least 2 weeks to process and send out Notice dates (NDs). So all the ones who have applied in 2nd week of July have NDS of 1st week of August.

It seems highly unnlikely for 70,000 people to have their I140\'s already approved when the date moved by 8 months. Impossible.

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Not possible!
I did some analysis. In the first 10 days of August 99 there were 7 working days.
Given that only the last 4 digits of EAC # can vary, maximum possible files which can be input into their computer on any working days can only be 9999 which does amount to 70,000 cases in 7 days. Since my EAC # is 992365XXXX. I checked randomly on that day, the system did not have cases beyond EAC 9923653500 (not exact). Similarily, EAC 992375XXXX did not even reach 3500 cases.
Being generous with the capability of INS clerks, say they input 5000 cases daily (highly unlikely). This still makes it only 35000 cases in the first ten days.
On top of this, all of these cases are not I485. These include all sort of cases being handled by INS. I485 represent only fraction of the cases. Out of this fraction you have to allow for Indian EB3\'s who do not have current PD\'s.

Moral of the analysis: Do not take the words of IIO\'s at the face value.
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I don\'t agree... (ravi/metoo/srini/govinda)

>They received about 70,000 applications in the first 10 days of Aug\'99 !!
70,000 cases were received in 10 days

There is lots of approval from TSC for NOV/DEC -India. (If you think VSC may take 2 to 3 years or got 70,000 applications, then what about TSC? How they can clear Aug/70000 cases? )

There are several approvals from VSC for AUG, few for SEP (particularly EP3-India in this message borad)

Don’t loose your hope!

Any thoughts/comments?
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485/Waiter, Can you please expalin this..

EAC 99-2365-xxxx ie 99=YY, 236(or 7)5=?? (What it means?) xxxx=Serial No.

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70k cases in 10 days? That means I have to wait
another 5 - 10 years !!!
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Hi virago2000,

Following were the highlights of my conversation with an IIO :-

1) Their current directive is to finish up all cases received before

Does that mean cases with Receipt Date before 8/1/99 or cases with Notice Date before 8/1/99?

My details are:
Priority Date: Mar 12,96
I-485 RD : Jul 28,99
I-485 ND : Aug 10,99
FP Date: June 08, 2000

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Picked up this from Shiela Murthy\'s web site..

Adjustment-of-Status applications have also been the focus of a backlog reduction effort. The number of I-485 cases completed in the second quarter of 2000 represents a 60 percent increase over the first quarter of the year. As of about June of 2000, there were still approximately one million I-485 applications pending. The goal for FY2000 is to complete 500,000 cases. Processing times are also starting to improve for some other petitions and applications.
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5 is the digit given to most of the cases recieved by INS except few unique cases which get a different number. Check my post on elsewhere on this board for explaination
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Could somebody make one thing clear to me? What ID II talking about? The ID printed in the 485 receipt or the ID we hear from the answering machine (which is actually ND).
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Hello virago2000 ,

I did read this interesting on the this famous website. However, I wonder if this is possible wuth FY2000 end which is technically end of Sept. 2000? (I assume immigration FY2001 starts from October 2000 through September 2001

Any thoughts?
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Hello 485/Waiter,

Your explanation is very valid and I have spoken to one immigration officer who pretty much gave me the same impression (I guess some of the IIO\'s know what they are talking about). The IIO mentioned that for my EAC001025XXXX, I should hang tight for 4 more months (the least) for getting FP notice and about 6-8 months more for an approval later. Not to mention that I have been "hanging" tightly since Feb 15 2000 notice date without a FP notice in the worst category EB3 with an O1 visa (PD01/01/1997). Anybody in the same state as I am. Please make me feel as part of the family???
QUIZ: Guess my country?
Answer: OfCourse, AIDNI (flip the word)..

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I was only commenting ONLY on the concern about the time it would take for adjudicating pending I-485 petitions, considering the backlog & number of pending cases since a lot of applications were receivd by the INS in Aug/Sep, 1999. I really did not think the number "70,000" was "TRUE". But I think is is possible that all 4 service centers together got that many applications, since virago2000 has not clearly mentioned if the conversation was with an IIO at a prticular service Center or the "National" one. And as always, IIOs may mean 10 days for "10 business days". You never know with those folks.... So, I think it is a "technically" possible number, but may not be "actually" true....
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Again, I don\'t agree Vinod...

1. There is lots of approval from TSC for NOV/DEC -India.
2. There are several approvals from VSC for AUG, few for SEP
    (particularly EP3-India in this message borad)
3. There are several approvals from NSC for AUG

AUG/SEP volume must be too hight. But it WILL NOT take 2 to 9 years as you guys think. If that is true, How come TSC can process DEC applications? How come we see several approvals (>= AUG) form VSC itself?
Let us don’t loose our hope
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I think you slightly mis-understood me. While I think that 70,000 is a "technically" possible, but "not probable" number, I DO NOT subscribe to the view that it will take unimaginably long to get our approvals. In fact, just the opposite. We will get our approvals just like we are getting now, as the PD moves forward. the only thing that needs to be kept in mind is that due to the present legislations that are in effect, there is a very large increase in the number of H-1Bs entering the country - in fact more than 100,000, while about 4 years back, the annual quota of 65,000 was not getting used up. It might be a prudent guess that, on an average, each H-1 (who is applying for a GC) will be applying for their (H-4) spouse too. That will use up 2 immigrant visa(s)/GC(s). So, with the number of IMMIGRANT VISAs per country remaining the same, it is likely that we are going to see an increase in the waiting time for GCs, in the case of over-subscribed countries. Since the number of H-1Bs has (almost) doubled for 3 years now, it is possible that this increase in waiting time can become substantial (and painful & complicated, due to mergers, acquisitions, etc). Since (I think) that India is sending the maximum number of H-1Bs, it could be have the worst effect on applicants chargeable to India.
The above was what I really meant, when I first posted my comment to the original posting. Consider this scenario. You are an EB-3 applicant (chargeable to India) who has a PD of 0ct 01, 1998, and belonging to the Eastern region. I know for a fact that Philadelphia DOL was very efficeint around that time (end of 1998). Your LC was approved in Mar, 1999 and your I-140 was approved in Jun 1999. All of a sudden the PDs for applying for I-485 becomes current in Aug, 1999 and you apply for the same. I am from the above region, and please understand that I have friends who have done this - and that too regular non-RIR EB-3 applicants, chargeable to India, even though I myself have a PD of OCT 01, 1996. Now that the PDs have gone way back, you have no way of getting a GC in the near future, unless the PDs JUMP forward once again. With the increase in the number of people applying for their GCs, it is only logical that PD movement will be slow, considering the fact that the number of Immigrant visas per year has not been increased.....
I hope I am making myself very clear, but I would like to know what you think on the same, so please comment.....