iio conversation 10/5, 3:45pm


Registered Users (C)
here\'s the gist of my conversation ...

"status of my case ... ? "
"in the adjudication area."
"is it with an officer then ..?"
"can\'t say for sure that it\'s on an officers\' desk ... but if it\'s not ... it will soon be"
"how much longer ... ?"
"each case is handled differently ... if there\'s any need for further evidence/information a notice will be mailed to you - if not, it will be approved - please be a little more patient"
"recvd my fp results from the fbi .. ?"
"yep - aug ?? ( i couldn\'t catch the date ) - and they have been approved"
"thanks very much ..."

my rd=aug 12, 99; nd=sep 3, 99; eac=99-258; fp=aug 9, 00; eb2, rir, india.
No Title

so are they processing cases this week? or is the audit interfering? did you get a feel for that? Thanks and best wishes.
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 got the same answer from iio. My rd and nd same as your\'s. Also the eac same. Will keep you posted as well.
