IGATE - Amended I-140 Approved


Registered Users (C)
Heard on AVM that my amended I-140 got approved on 08/02/01. My details are as follows:

PD - 12/97
485 ND - 09/99
FP - 08/00
RFE rcvd back by INS - 11/00 (Emp Letter)
Amended I-140 ND - 05/01
ND for 3rd EAD Renewal - 07/20/01
Amended I-140 Approved - 08/02/01

Anybody in same situation? Any idea how much time will it take to get the GC now?
Any response to this is highly appreciated.
I-140 amendment question??

  My I-140 amendment ND is 05/24. When I initially filed for the amendment, my lawyer told me that it is going to take between 6 to 8 months to be approved (just like a normal I-140). Later on I found out that if you actually called up INS and specifically tell the IIO that it is a amendment, they can speed it up. Did you call the IIO ??
I am asking because I noticed your case took just 3 months.

Thank you.
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No, I did not call INS.

As per my knowledge this is classified at the time of filing the amendment. Infact I tried to inquire about the status of my amendment but they didn\'t tell me anything, saying that they cannot talk about I140 to me as it is filed by the company.
No Title

At the time of filing ur amended 140 ur lawyer should specify that to INS. You can then talk to IIO and find out whether ur amended 140 is linked to ur 485 application.