If You recently applied for a US passport Read this


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Hello there,

had any one applied for the US passport recently in the DFW area?

Please post your Passport timeline. Did you get the new E-Passport? or the old one?

Thank you
Hi Sony2006,

I understand you want your new e-passport badly. I even sympathize with your wish. However, if you already have a valid passport I would plea to you to refrain from applying for the new passport. There is enough people who legitimately and urgently need a passport and are getting desperate because of the backlog. Your unnecessary application would add to the delay. Furthermore, I don't see the need for a new passport. The non e-passports are still going to be valid for the duration of their valid period.

My 2 cents.
wife and daughter are newly minted US citizens. the new passport is an e-passport, at leats here in florida..who says we are just a vacation state!!
Huracan, this guy applying is no different from the tons of people on this forum who are applying for expedited passports for no other reason except they don't want to be parted from the Nat certificate. What is one more application? Can we just agree that some people have more money than brains?