I'd like to immigrate


New Member
I'd like to immigrate to the US but I don't know how to start.I know that I can get a tourist visa and then stay there but this is against the law.please please I need suggestion,any replys will be highly appreciated.
Originally posted by sami4002
I'd like to immigrate to the US but I don't know how to start.I know that I can get a tourist visa and then stay there but this is against the law.please please I need suggestion,any replys will be highly appreciated.

Here is an overview of various ways to come to the US, *not* all necessarily permanently...

"How to Come to the USA" http://www.visacentral.net/comehere.html

Student & Tourist Visas: How to Come to the U.S." http://tinyurl.com/2l4wy (same as http://www.nolo.com/lawstore/products/product.cfm/ObjectID/48BB18A0-4224-4A2B-AA1929A13C4B02EA).

"H-1B Frequently Asked Questions" http://uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/h1b.htm

"TN VISAS: Professionals Under NAFTA" http://travel.state.gov/tn_visas.html

In terms of getting a "green card" (permanent residency) in the US...

Nolo Press has a good reputation in the legal self-help field, though I think their use of the word "easy" is a bit much...

See "Who Qualifies for a Green Card" http://nolowho.notlong.com (same as http://www.nolo.com/lawcenter/ency/...C3B/catID/C08A0295-9AFE-4F69-A9B7AEE732ECA9AB).

And "When the U.S. Can Keep You Out (The Grounds of Inadmissability)" http://nolokeepout.notlong.com (same as http://www.nolo.com/lawcenter/ency/article.cfm/objectID/48BBE14C-464A-4064-BFA94BD543155C48).

"U.S. Immigration Made Easy" http://tinyurl.com/38sef (same as http://www.nolo.com/lawstore/products/product.cfm/ObjectID/1CBB35D6-DC0B-4185-B31924181082EA22).

"How to Get a Green Card: Legal Ways to Stay in the USA" http://tinyurl.com/2ds89 (same as http://www.nolo.com/lawstore/products/product.cfm/ObjectID/AE4863E3-4CE9-4AE7-BDCA71AC8F466713).

"How Do I Bring My Spouse (Husband or Wife) to Live in the United States?" http://uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/spouselive.htm .

"Sponsoring a Fiance or Spouse for a Green Card" http://snipurl.com/5bhy (same as http://www.nolo.com/lawcenter/ency/...C37/catID/C08A0295-9AFE-4F69-A9B7AEE732ECA9AB) . (Especially this part: "If the immigrant used a tourist or other visa to get to the United States for the primary purpose of getting married, see an attorney. The immigrant could be found liable for visa fraud, and denied the green card as a result.")

"Fiance & Marriage Visas: A Couple's Guide to U.S. Immigration" http://tinyurl.com/37ppc (same as http://www.nolo.com/lawstore/products/product.cfm/ObjectID/E0F68B91-2668-463B-8524281B1AB24AB9 .


Good luck,